Quinton Chandler
Some of London’s fans said they were proud of how far she did manage to go and they’re happy she used her platform to showcase Native culture. Listen now
A teacher at The Learning Connection believes the high passage rate is a result of one-on-one tutoring, hands-on studies and a caring culture.
The smoke was thick but through the gaps, it didn’t look like much was left of the popular playground located in a park north of downtown Juneau.
Closing the Bergmann Hotel in Juneau left some of its tenants homeless and now they’re wondering what they’ll do next. Listen now
The Juneau School Board is revisiting its 2013 travel ban for middle school sports. The 2013 school board disappointed a lot of people in Juneau when it voted to stop middle school sports teams from traveling out of town.
The Happiness Advantage is an idea based on research that points to a link between a positive mindset and success. Listen now
Juneau's fire department is battling a near 12 percent increase in emergency calls. The higher volume has stretched the department thin and the Fire Chief says additional personnel is the only real solution. Listen Now
The Juneau School District is one of the first in Alaska to make the AP District Honor Roll, a prestigious recognition for districts that increased the percentage of students who took and passed Advanced Placement tests. Listen Now
The University of Alaska is bringing its three colleges of education under one roof at the University of Alaska Southeast. Listen Now
It’s cold in Juneau. Earlier this month, the city saw one its heaviest snowfalls in at least a couple of years and, according to the National Weather Service, temperatures ranged between the teens and the mid-20s. Listen Now