Peter Granitz
Hays Research Group asked 388 likely primary voters their opinions of a possible 2014 ballot initiative that would prohibit the Pebble Mine. More than 60% said they favor the measure. Some two-thirds of that group strongly support it.Listen Now
President Barack Obama wants to tie college rankings to how affordable they are and whether students are landing in the workforce after graduation. Listen Now
Global unrest is forcing oil prices to rise just as rural Alaskans are purchasing heating oil for the coming winter. Listen Now
Senator Lisa Murkowski and Representative Don Young hope members of their party won't shut down the government over the health care bill. Download Audio
In June, the United States Supreme Court struck down a key formula of the Voting Rights Act. Section IV of the 1965 law determined which states needed to get federal approval before changing any voting laws. Alaska was one of nine states subject to that rule known as preclearance.Download Audio
Japanese political leaders hope to revitalize the country’s nuclear program. It scaled back from more than 50 nuclear reactors to less than five after an earthquake caused a meltdown at the Fukushima reactors in 2011.Download Audio
Alaska's Congressional delegation has been urging the Pebble Partnership to submit its application for its Bristol Bay mine. Download Audio
A host of environmental groups sued the federal government for allowing Shell to proceed with its Arctic drilling campaign despite weak spill response plans. Download Audio
The House Appropriations Committee aims to slash the Interior Department's budget by $5 billion. The Senate has yet to release its plan. Download Audio
Alaska's senators welcomed President Barack Obama's new corporate tax rates with little fanfare. Download Audio