Maggie Nelson
It may sound silly to outsiders, but for the remote Pribilof Island, a possible rat sighting could be a big deal.
Climatologist Rick Thoman says the blobs of cold air, which have brought late snow to much of the state, are pretty normal for this time of year.
The request is about $500,000 more than last year’s ask, and includes the maximum allowable contribution from the city’s general fund.
Monte LaVelle Chitty, 62, was arrested April 5 in the Florida case. Former members of his Cold Bay church say the charges fit a familiar pattern.
Authorities are gathering images and information to coordinate helping an entangled humpback in Unalaska’s Iliuliuk Bay.
Michael Livingston says Nazi Creek on Little Kiska Island, named during World War II's Aleutians campaign, should have an Indigenous name instead.
A judge said Dustin Ruckman, now 23, will be tried for manslaughter in August after the 2019 crash that killed teens Karly McDonald and Kiara Haist.
A 100-foot railway used by the companies to transport seafood from Maine into Canada and back violated the federal Jones Act.
The company said a small warehouse used to store fishing gear and a stock room nearby both burned Wednesday. No injuries were reported.
The Alaska Salmon Research Group is tasked with building a report on data gaps in Pacific salmon research and supporting sustainable management.