This Outdoor Explorer is about feet. If you’re a runner, a hiker, a skier, a skater, if you do almost anything active, we should have your attention because when your feet are happy, you are. When they’re messed up, your fun is over. We’ll talk with a physical therapist and a podiatrist about healthy bodies and healthy feet, and hear some stories about hiking and the joy and misery it can bring.
HOST: Charles Wohlforth
- Segment 1: “How walking and running can prevent back pain”. Anne Thomas, Body in Balance Physical Therapy.
- Segment 2: “Alaska Outdoors hiking club". Toshi Hamazaki and Pamela Maslyk from Alaska Outdoors.
- Segment 3: “Taking care of your feet”. Heather Kaufman of Anchorage Foot and Ankle Clinic.
- Segment 4: "Getting out of your comfort zone". Sarah Mixson at a Trail Tales event.
- Body in Balance Physical Therapy
- Alaska Outdoor hiking club
- Anchorage Foot and Ankle Clinic
- Alaska Trails, host of the Trail Tales events
BROADCAST: Thursday, September 13th, 2018. 2:00 pm – 3:00 p.m. AKT
REPEAT BROADCAST: Thursday, September 13th, 2018. 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. AKT
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