Fishing season is approaching. We’ll find out what to expect in this year’s salmon runs. Last year was dreadful for kings, poor for silvers, and red hot for reds across Upper Cook Inlet. Do we know why? Will we see a repeat? And how do these predictions get made? We'll have a biologist from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and two angling experts, to give fishing predictions, tips and ideas, as well as talking about gear, timing, trends, and dreams--where would you go fishing, if you could go anywhere?
- Alaska Department of Fish and Game--Sportfish Division
- Jim Lavrakas' Skookum Charters
- Jim Lavrakas' book "Snap Decisions"
- Tony Weaver fishing reports, Anchorage Daily News
- Alaska Outdoor Journal
PARTICIPATE: Facebook: Outdoor Explorer (comments may be read on-air)
HOST: Charles Wohlforth
- Tom Vania, Alaska Department of Fish and Game
- Jim Lavrakas, charter captain and fishing expert, Kachemak Bay
- Tony Weaver, fishing columnist and broadcaster
LIVE BROADCAST: Thursday May 16, 2013. 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm AKT
REPEAT BROADCAST: Thursday May 16, 2013. 7:00 – 8:00 pm AKT
- Knik Canoers and Kayakers meeting (Anchorage 5/16)
- Wilderness First Responder classes (Palmer 5/20)
- Raised Bed Gardening class (Anchorage 5/23)
- Annual Creek Clean-Up (Anchorage 5/18)
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