The fondest dream of many parents is for our children to love the outdoors as much as we do. Summer is the time for that to happen, but how do you get them off the couch and outside when you’re away at work? On this edition of Outdoor Explorer, the topic is outdoors summer camps. We’ll talk about camp options, and also how to make sure it’s a positive and inspiring experience, even for shy indoor kids.What do you look for in a camp for your kids?
- American Camp Association
- Trailside Discovery Camp
- Girl Scouts of Alaska Camp
- Teen Camps from Alaska Kayak Academy
- Anchorage Parks and Rec Outdoor Adventure Camps
- Camp Fire Alaska
- Alaska String Camps
- Anchorage Museum Summer Explorer Camps
- Great Alaska Council (Boy Scout and Cub Scout camps)
- Erin Kirkland's AKonthe Go blog
HOST: Charles Wohlforth
- Erin Kirkland, AKontheGo
- Tom Burek, Trailside Discovery Camp
- Amanda Block, Girl Scouts of Alaska
- Erin McKittrick, (enroute)Tracing the Heart of Alaska - A Journey Along the Cook Inlet,
PARTICIPATE: Outdoor Explorer facebook
- Please share your photos, videos, comments or questions for our guests
- Comments posted before show time may be read on-air
- 15th Annual Alaska Atlatl Fun and Throw (May 4 Anchorage)
- Salmon Run (May 4 Anchorage)
- Kenai Birding Festival (May 16 - 19)
- Great Alaska Aviation Gathering (May 4 & 5 Anchorage International Airport)
LIVE BROADCAST: Thursday May 2, 2013. 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm AKT
REPEAT BROADCAST: Thursday May 2, 2013. 7:00 – 8:00 pm AKT
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