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Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2015

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Arguments open in landmark Ketchikan schools case

Zachariah Hughes, KSKA - Anchorage
Lori Townsend, APRN - Anchorage

The Alaska Supreme Court heard oral arguments today in case that could upend the way the state pays for education.

Public testimony extended on city discrimination ordinance

Zachariah Hughes, KSKA - Anchorage

Testimony on an anti-discrimination measure in the Anchorage Assembly stretched on for hours Tuesday night, with no final vote.

Anchorage Assemblywoman savors White House embrace

Liz Ruskin, APRN - Washington, D.C.

Anchorage Assembly member Elvi Gray- Jackson missed last night's assembly meeting. That's because today, she was at the White House- introducing First Lady Michelle Obama at an event highlighting her Let's Move initiative to combat childhood obesity. Anchorage was one of 63 communities nationwide being honored by the First Lady for meeting goals, like posting a healthy food guide at city buildings with food service, and offering school meal programs. And for Gray- Jackson, the honor was up-close and personal.

Legislative council prepares for next phase of Medicaid expansion lawsuit

Annie Feidt, APRN - Anchorage

The Legislative Council is moving forward with their lawsuit to stop Medicaid expansion. In the meantime, both the legislature and the Walker administration are working with consultants to find ways to reduce the cost of the Medicaid program.

Reducing food waste to feed hungry Alaskans

Anne Hillman, KSKA - Anchorage

Every year, 133 billion pounds of food end up in landfills in the United States. That's 31 percent of the country's food supply. To curb that, today the federal government announced it's first-ever food waste reduction goals.

AIDEA inches closer to choosing an Interior fuel supplier

Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks

The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority will select a partner for the Interior Energy Project by the end of the year.

Smooth sailing so far for MV Susitna sale

Ellen Lockyer, KSKA - Anchorage

The MV Susitna is one step closer to being sold.  According to Matanuska Susitna Borough manager John Moosey,  progress has been made on a deal to sell the vessel to the Philippine Red Cross.

Cruise ship nearly doubles the population of Unalaska (for a day)

John Ryan, KUCB - Unalaska

The biggest cruise ship ever to visit the Aleutian Islands pulled into Dutch Harbor in Unalaska on Tuesday. The floating city disgorged 2,500 passengers and a thousand crew.