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Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, July 23, 2015

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Young Votes Yes, Meant No, On Bill Gutting GMO Labeling Laws

Liz Ruskin, APRN - Washington, D.C.

The U.S. House on Thursday passed a bill to allow “voluntary” labeling of food that contains genetically modified organisms, or GMOs.

2nd Murkowski Energy Bill Has Controversies Lacking in 1st

Liz Ruskin, APRN - Washington, D.C.

Yesterday Sen. Lisa Murkowski introduced an energy bill that steered clear of hot-button issues to ensure Democratic support. Thursday, the Alaska Republican sponsored a separate energy bill of just hot buttons.

Gov. Walker Travels to Pentagon to Make Case for Alaska Troops

Associated Press

Alaska Gov. Bill Walker is in Washington, D.C., making the case with the military for restoring proposed personnel cuts.

Five Fires Threaten Tanana On the Yukon

Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks

Recent rain slowed wildfire growth around the interior, but there are still nearly 200 active blazes, and over twenty staffed fires. The largest response is to a half million acre complex of fires near Tanana.

Anchorage To 'Revisit' Knik Arm Bridge

Zachariah Hughes, KSKA - Anchorage

The Municipality of Anchorage has taken a big step toward opposing the proposed bridge called the Knik Arm Crossing project.

Suspect Arrested for Threatening Calls To Arizona Schools, Which Were Similar to Alaska's

Lisa Phu, KTOO - Juneau

A New York man was arrested last week for making threatening phone calls to Arizona schools that were motivated by online gaming on an Xbox, authorities say. Details of the calls sound similar to ones made to Alaska schools, though the FBI says the arrest hasn't been connected.

4 Charged with Theft of Oysters from Kachemak Bay Farm

Shady Grove Oliver, KBBI - Homer

Four local residents are being charged with criminal trespass and theft for stealing oysters from a farm on the south side of Kachemak Bay on 4th of July.

With Ever-Changing Restrictions, 2015 Marks a Summer of Flexibility on the Kuskokwim

Ben Matheson, KYUK - Bethel

Subsistence fishing is open indefinitely on the Kuskokwim River. But that hasn’t been the norm this summer, as the river underwent two management regimes —state and federal—and strict closures for two species. Lower river fishermen are adjusting to the new reality of Kuskokwim subsistence—where conservative management is now the status quo.

Pains of Trooper Cuts Felt At Small Community Jails

Joe Sykes, KFSK - Petersburg

Budget cuts to state troopers are taking place all over Alaska. But in small Southeast communities, like Petersburg, it’s a double whammy. That’s because community jails are also taking a hit. And the two are inextricably linked.

Haines Climbers Likely First Women to Summit Cathedral Peaks

Emily Files, KHNS - Haines

Haines residents Jenn Walsh and Jessica Kayser Forster are likely the first women to summit the 6,400-foot Mount Emmerich in the Chilkat Valley, also known as Cathedral Peaks.