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Alaska News Nightly: August 29, 2014

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State Ferry Union Averts Strike

Casey Kelly, KTOO – Juneau

Alaska Marine Highway System captains and deck officers have avoided a strike that could have shut down ferry service across the state this weekend.

Juneau Police Reach Community One Cup Of Coffee At A Time

Casey Kelly, KTOO – Juneau

With the recent unrest in Ferguson, Mo., police departments across the country are under a lot of scrutiny. Questions are being raised about use of force, police militarization and racial profiling.

Comment Period on FEMA Disaster Declaration To Close

Joaqlin Estus, KNBA – Anchorage

Sunday, Aug. 31, is the deadline for comments to FEMA, or the Federal Emergency Management Agency, on a policy carrying out a law that would allow tribes to request emergency and major disaster declarations.

Cold, Wet Front Drops 3 Inches of Snow On Deadhorse

Dan Bross, KUAC – Fairbanks

A cold front is ushering in wet, chilly conditions across much of the state. The Alaska Department of Transportation reported three inches of snow in Deadhorse earlier this afternoon.

'You've Got To Defend It' - Denali Celebrates Wilderness Act 50th

Tim Ellis, KUAC – Fairbanks

Denali National Park is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the 1964 Wilderness Act in the next weeks. A series of events marking the historic conservation legislation is planned.

NSF Earmarks $1.5M for Native Students Studying STEM Subjects

Joaqlin Estus, KNBA – Anchorage

A $1.5 million dollar grant from the National Science Foundation will fund a five-year pilot project to help American Indian and Alaska Native college students achieve advanced degrees in science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM subjects.

AK: Haines Songwriter Dreams Big, Courts Her Inspiration's Ear

Margaret Friedenauer, KHNS – Haines

It’s hard not to dream big among the tall mountains and wild sea in Southeast Alaska – especially in Haines where Christy Tengs serves dreamers and misfits alike in her family’s downtown institution, the Pioneer Bar and Bamboo Room. Even she has a dream – to meet the famous person who has inspired her and propelled her to become a star in her hometown.

300 Villages: Anvik

This week we’re heading to the Yukon River community of Anvik. William Koso is the mayor of Anvik.