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A Look at Moose Run Metals - Fritz Creek, Alaska

Tarri Thurman of Moose Run Metalsmiths: I have been a metalsmith for 10 years. Originally a hairdresser from Ann Arbor, Michigan, I moved to Alaska in 1995, working a variety of jobs from back hoe operator to arborist to pizza maker until I would eventually work in the shop full time. I sold my first piece of artwork as an apprentice, off the bench, before it was completed. That's when I knew I was on the right path. I feel the history of many with my hammer strokes. Creating with metal bestows on me a great connection with those of the past who had the same passion as myself. This knowledge is alchemical by definition: the need to forge grace and fluidity from something cold and unforgiving. The tools and techniques our ancestors designed-- what an incredible path to follow! My need to take this knowledge and be an active link in the chain is what drives me to weld and grind and get really dirty. I strive to take objects we use and see everyday and make them extraordinary. Using nature as my palate, I search for ways to bring natural forms into our everyday world. I enjoy creating public art, and the space to share my vision with others. I can only hope to embrace all of my lessons as I follow in these ancient footpaths, and to create beautiful art that stands the test of time.

Nina Faust, a retired High School teacher, taught at Homer High and various Anchorage high schools during her 21 years of teaching.  She lives on Inspiration Ridge Preserve in Homer with her partner Ed Bailey where she actively clicker trains her two pet alpacas, Gypsy and Canela.  She and Ed are co-founders of Kachemak Crane Watch, which is dedicated to the protection of Sandhill Cranes and their habitat in Homer, Alaska and the surrounding Kachemak Bay area.  She is also active with Big Brothers/Big Sisters and a variety of local conservation groups.