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Only Survivor From Tenakee Boating Accident Has Died

The survivor of a recent deadly boating accident near Tenakee Springs has died.

Juneau police say 26-year-old Jim A. Brown Jr. was found unconscious and not breathing at a North Douglas Highway home just before midnight.

Lt. David Campbell says an emergency call came in at 11:49 p.m. Sunday.  He says there were a number of people at the residence when Capital City Fire and Rescue and police arrived a few minutes later.

Emergency medical personnel attempted to resuscitate Brown. Campbell says Brown was pronounced dead at 12:29 a.m.

Three people told police they had found Brown.  He was reportedly found in a bathroom, where he had fallen.

Campbell says there was a small laceration to his forehead, but no other signs of trauma to the body.

Juneau police have requested the State Medical Examiner’s Office in Anchorage perform an autopsy.

“We’ll have to wait for the medical examiner’s office to determine cause of death,” Campbell says. “Alcohol was involved.”

Campbell says Brown’s death in under investigation.

Brown was the only survivor of a Nov. 23rd accident near Tenakee Springs. State Troopers said the men were returning from a day of hunting across the inlet, when their 18-foot Lund skiff capsized. Brown was able to swim to shore, but 26-year-old Casey Newman and 23-year-old Kelly Newman drowned. Their bodies were recovered.

A celebration of life for the Newman brothers was held Saturday evening.

Brown  graduated from Juneau Douglas High School in 2004.  He played football for the Crimson Bears.

He is survived by his parents Heather and James Brown and two younger brothers, Alec and John.