Coming up this week: Gulf fixed gear fishermen get a surprise cod opening to end the year; it looks like there'll be another herring fishery this spring in Behm Canal, and how sunlight makes spilled oil especially deadly to fish.
We had help this year from: Rosemarie Alexander, Len Anderson, Tom Banse, Dan Bross, Jennifer Canfield, Libby Casey, Dave Donaldson, Maria Dudzak, Daysha Eaton, Joaqlin Estus, Deanna Garrison, Brianna Gibbs, Tony Gorman, Alexandra Gutierrez, Steve Heimel, Anne Hillman, Shane Iverson, Esmay Joyce , Melati Kaye, Casey Kelly, Laureli Kinneen, Patrice Kohl, Matt Lichtenstein, Wesley Loy, Marcia Lynn, Stephanie Mangini, Mike Mason, Matt Miller, Ed Ronco, John Sackton, Ed Schoenfeld, Aaron Selbig, Ben Stanton, Joe Viechnicki, Maggie Wall, Laine Welch, Paulette Wellington, Robert Woolsey, and Sam Wright. This show and the awards its won this year are a direct result of the great work these journalists share with us every week. We can't thank them enough, though they all will be getting 2012 KMXT calendars in the mail very soon.