Photos by Jason Sear, KDLG - Dillingham.
The ‘Save Our Salmon’ Initiative goes before voters in the Lake and Peninsula Borough tomorrow, and the information war around the proposed Pebble mine that the initiative is aimed at stopping, is heating up. Conservation groups are releasing ads, activists are posting online videos and the group behind the mine, the Pebble Partnership flew members of the media up to their mine site recently.
CORRECTION: (4 Oct 2011)
In a story that aired yesterday (Monday) about the Pebble Mine and the Save Our Salmon Initiative, we reported that Trout Unlimited was a party to a case earlier this month in which a superior court judge ruled that conservation groups had not provided enough evidence to prove Pebble’s exploratory core holes were already polluting the site. Trout Unlimited is not a party to that case, but is party to another case concerning Pebble Mine which challenges the State’s 2005 Bristol Bay Area Plan.