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Local Ballots Produce State Interest

Today municipalities and boroughs across Alaska are holding local elections with some ballot items attracting statewide interest.

Leading the list is the ballot initiative against the proposed Pebble Mine in the Lake and Peninsula Borough. It seeks to prohibit permits to any large mine having a significant adverse impact on salmon streams. Opponents say it usurps state authority. Because the borough allows voting by mail, the results won't be confirmed until mid October.

Quicker results will occur for the Barrow alcohol vote over establishing a city run liquor store, Juneau's proposed ban of plastic shopping bags and emission standards for wood stoves in Fairbanks.

Also in Barrow, there's the city mayor's race between leading candidates former five time mayor George Ahmaogak, Fenton Rexford and Charlotte Brower.

Anchorage is the exception to the day's voting. It holds its local election in April.

landerson (at) alaskapublic (dot) org | 907.550.8449 | About Len