One of Alaska's most prominent educators is retiring after nearly four decades of working with students in the state's largest city.
Anchorage School District Superintendent Carol Comeau says she is stepping down from the high-profile post she has held since 2000. Her last day will be June 30th of next year.
The 69-year-old Comeau made the announcement today in Anchorage.
She has worked for the school district since 1974, serving in various capacities including aide, teacher, principal and central office administrator. She was president of the Anchorage teacher's union in 1984 and 1985.
Comeau stepped in as acting superintendent when former superintendent Bob Christal resigned suddenly because of controversy about his new contract.
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One of Alaska's most prominent educators is retiring after nearly four decades of working with students in the state's largest city.
Anchorage School District Superintendent Carol Comeau says she is stepping down from the high-profile post she has held since 2000. Her last day will be June 30th of next year.
The 69-year-old Comeau made the announcement today in Anchorage.
She has worked for the school district since 1974, serving in various capacities including aide, teacher, principal and central office administrator. She was president of the Anchorage teacher's union in 1984 and 1985.
Comeau stepped in as acting superintendent when former superintendent Bob Christal resigned suddenly because of controversy about his new contract.
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