The impacts of trauma on an individual are well documented and include; Depression, anxiety, substance abuse, poor attachment and bonding, and numerous other physical
and emotional problems. When large groups of people collectively experience traumatic events such as genocide, oppression, or prolonged war, the impacts can devastate a
community or an entire culture for generations. Over representation in the homeless population and in correctional institutions, widespread problems with addiction and child
abuse, a chronic cycle of poverty and dependence, and a disconnection and alienation from extended family, culture and society are the legacy of historical trauma.
HOST: Prentiss Pemberton
- Kyle Wark. First Alaskans Institute.
- Darlene Trigg. First Alaskans Institute.
Native American Tribal Communities Provide Hope Overcoming Historical Trauma9 Ways Native Men Can Heal Historical TraumaSharing CultureExaming the Theory of Historical Trauma Among Native AmericansIt Runs in the Family
Boarding School Historical Trauma Among Alaska Native People
How Trauma is Carried Across Generations
Trauma, Transgenerational Transfer and Effects on Community WellbeingThe Impact of Historical and Intergenerational Trauma on American Indian and Alaska Native Communities
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LIVE BROADCAST: Monday, February 29, 2016, at 2:00 p.m. AKDT
REPEAT BROADCAST: Monday, February 29, 2016, at 8:00 p.m. AKDT
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