Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Alaska Supreme Court weighs legality of Yes for Salmon ballot initiative

Yes for Salmon’s backers want Alaska to toughen the permitting process for mines, dams and other projects in salmon habitat. But during oral arguments, the state argued it goes against the state constitution because it forces the legislature to prioritize salmon habitat over other uses. Listen now

State capital spending would be down slightly in Senate plan

Senate lawmakers heard public testimony on proposed capital budget, including from tourism industry representatives asking to restore $3 million for marketing the Senate cut. Listen now

Senate joins House in recognizing Alaska Native languages emergency

A report by the Alaska Native Language Preservation and Advisory Council said the state should make it policy to promote Alaska Native language schools wherever possible. Listen now

Legislative Council adopts new sexual harassment policy

The council adopted a separate professional workplace conduct policy. It prohibits a variety of behavior. Listen now

What’s up with the state operating budget on day 99 of the legislative session?

The Permanent Fund Corp. is urging the Legislature to pass a plan – so that they’re able to manage fund investments more effectively. Listen now

Offshore lease schedule for Beaufort draws flak

Democrats in Congress are sounding the alarm about the Interior Department's efforts to hold an offshore oil lease sale in the Beaufort Sea next year. Listen now

Strong winds batter Anchorage

The National Weather Service issued a high wind warning for much of the afternoon, in effect until about 7 p.m., with gusts expected to continue into the night. Listen now

Juneau Rep. Parish won’t run for re-election

That sets up the race for House District 34 to be between two sitting Juneau Assembly members, Democrat Rob Edwardson and Republican Jerry Nankervis. Listen now

Alaska State Legislature urges Congress to address state ivory bans

The resolution takes aim at state laws like those in New York, California, Hawaii and Washington. Those states have passed broad anti-ivory laws in an attempt to combat the poaching of African elephants. Listen now

Air Force to host meeting to unveil plan to provide potable water to Moose Creek

Air Force officials will host an open house meeting tonight to talk about proposals to provide drinking water to Moose Creek residents whose well water has been made unpotable due to groundwater contamination. Listen now

No oil companies oppose bonds for tax credits, commissioner says

State payments for the credits slowed as oil prices fell. But companies have said the delayed payments have hurt development. Listen now

Trump administration kicks off process for oil development in ANWR

The Department of Interior released a notice saying it will hold “no fewer than two” oil lease sales in a 1.6-million acre portion of the refuge, known as the 1002 area or the Coastal Plain. Listen now

Anchorage officials certify vote-by-mail results

About 79,295 ballots were cast, pushing turnout to just over 36 percent, a high figure relative to Anchorage’s normal local election returns. The vote certification upholds preliminary results. Listen now

Murkowski suggests taxing outdoor rec gear to help fund park projects

Senator Lisa Murkowski used a mudslide prone stretch of the Denali National Park Road to point to the need for more funding to address major maintenance at parks. Listen now

Sitka Tribe to co-manage interpretation at Sitka National Historical Park

After a year of negotiations, Sitka Tribe of Alaska will partner with the National Parks Service to begin co-management of historical interpretation at the Sitka National Historical Park — the first compacting agreement of its kind in U.S. history. Listen now

At crucial moment, Denali Commission faces leadership gap

The top job at the federal agency tasked with coordinating help for Alaska villages threatened by climate change will soon be vacant. Listen now

At USACE scoping meetings in Iliamna Lake region, locals express concerns about Pebble

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers solicited public comment on the proposed Pebble Mine plan at five scoping meetings last week. At the two meetings on the shores of Iliamna Lake, near the Pebble deposit and proposed mine infrastructure, locals turned out to ask the Army Corps to consider possible effects a mine could have on their way of life. Listen now

ConocoPhillips announces three new oil discoveries on the North Slope

Conoco didn’t release many details about the discoveries, including how much oil was found. But in a press release, the company called the results of this winter’s drilling season “promising.” Listen now

Senate Medicaid budget cut may overstate savings

Federal and state law require certain Medicaid funding. The Senate’s Medicaid funding levels fall short of state projections for that obligation. Listen now

Murkowski: Mueller investigation must continue

"I think it is so important, it is so imperative, that this investigation be allowed to go forward," Murkowski said. "And it will take the course that it will take." She didn't commit to supporting a bill to protect Mueller from dismissal. Listen now