Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Senators urge Sweeney to be tough at Interior

Alaskan Tara MacLean Sweeney faced no resistance at a U.S. Senate confirmation hearing today on her nomination to be assistant Interior secretary for Indian Affairs. Listen now

Lawmakers pass permanent fund draw, spar over PFD effect

For the first time in the Alaska Permanent Fund’s 40-year history, the Legislature has adopted a plan to draw money from the fund to pay for state government. Gov. Bill Walker says he’ll sign it. Listen now
Methamphetamine. (Photo via

Is meth back in Alaska? Or did it never leave?

Methamphetamine is appearing in the state at greater volumes than ever before, and being used in riskier ways. Listen now

Sample sales present snag for overhaul of state alcohol laws

Until last week, alcohol sellers and others were in agreement over the need to make legal changes. Listen now

State corporation announces tentative deal with BP to buy gas for Alaska LNG project

The agreement is one of many the state corporation is negotiating to get the project online by 2025. Listen now

Why are so many fighter pilots leaving the Air Force?

A global demand for pilots is sapping the Air Force of some of its most costly personnel, causing billions of dollars in losses that are expected to get worse. Listen now

As the U.S. moves to open ANWR to drilling, Canada says ‘not so fast’

As part of their strategy going forward, opponents to drilling in ANWR are looking beyond Washington, D.C. and across U.S.-Canada border for support. Listen now

Energy Secretary Rick Perry visits the Kodiak Archipelago

While on a recent day trip to Kodiak to tour the community’s electrical grid that’s almost entirely powered by renewable energy, Senator Lisa Murkowski and the U.S. Secretary of Energy, Rick Perry, hopped on a plane and took a quick detour to the small community of Old Harbor. Listen now

Legislature’s plan to draw from permanent fund is silent on PFDs

Under this compromise bill, the Legislature would have to set PFD amounts each year, or it would have to set a formula through a different bill.

Calista director Colonel Wayne Don denies allegations against him

The Calista Regional Native Corporation is trying to get rid of its former chairman, and it’s not entirely clear why. Listen now

State analysts say requiring Medicaid recipients to work won’t save money

The state Department of Health and Social Services said the state would need to hire workers to ensure the state meets federal requirements. Listen now

Troopers continue to investigate one of their own for alleged sexual abuse attempt

Charged with attempted sexual abuse of a minor, 57-year-old Vance Peronto, is no longer a trooper. The Department of Public Safety said the 16-year veteran of the force is not employed by the state anymore, as of Tuesday morning. He had been based in Soldotna.Listen now

Caribou, access concerns vs. mining’s economic promise — BLM releases public input on Ambler Road

"I was impressed with the range of comments that we got," La Marr said. "Comments from the mining industry, comments from environmental groups, a lot of comments from the tribes... comments from people throughout Alaska and people in the lower 48 as well." Listen now

Can courts force action on climate change? Sixteen young Alaskans hope so.

An Anchorage judge heard arguments today in a lawsuit brought by 16 young Alaskans who are suing the state over climate change. Listen now
Alaska State Troopers. Photo: Monica Gokey/ Alaska Public Media file photo.

Trooper charged with attempted sexual abuse of minor

An Alaska State Trooper, 57-year-old Vance Peronto, is charged with attempted sexual abuse of a minor after allegedly trying to meet a 16-year-old girl at an Anchorage hotel Sunday, according to a written statement from the Department of Public Safety. Listen now

Doctors, hospitals may soon see delays from state in paying Medicaid bills

Some of Medicaid providers might have to close their doors and go out of business, according to assistant commissioner. Listen now

Legislative leaders aim for session end in days, not weeks

A major piece of the end-of-session talks is a bill to draw from Alaska Permanent Fund earnings to pay for state government. The conference committee on Senate Bill 26 is scheduled to meet Saturday. Listen now
A gravel road in a treed area

Donlin Gold final environmental impact statement released

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has released its final environmental impact statement on the proposed Donlin Gold project. Listen now
A pipeline stretching toward a sunset

Oil prices are up, but how long will it last?

The current price of oil is several dollars higher than state economists predicted, but it doesn't quite fill the hole in the state's budget -- and, it doesn't mean oil prices are going to stay up. Listen now