
All news stories, regardless of topic (local, statewide + national news stories, as well as Talk of Alaska, Alaska News Nightly, Alaska Insight, Alaska Economic Report). Some news stories may also have other categories marked, which will also put them on a subpage. Not all news stories will fall into a subpage.

New Youth Club Opens in Juneau

In Juneau, the Valley Youth Club opened on Thursday in the same location as the Boys and Girls Club of Alaska, which suddenly...

Wild Alaska salmon not on menus in China…yet

About a third of the salmon caught in Alaska gets shipped to China for processing. But a recent consumer study suggests that at least some of that wild salmon should stay in the Chinese markets. Listen now

After years shut, a rural tannery re-opens for business

In the small community of Shishmaref there’s a local business like no other. It’s a tannery, set up to process hundreds of seal hides a year sent from subsistence hunters. Listen now
Power transmission lines on poles in the foreground, with mountains in the distance.

Anchorage will likely see higher bills with LNG imports, but some say renewables could delay that

The Northern Journal's Nat Herz reports that renewable energy advocates say conservation, along with more power generated from solar and wind projects, could delay a shift to LNG by up to five years.

Alcohol Abuse Not Always Talked About In Rural Alaska

Rates of alcohol abuse in Alaska are some of the highest in the nation and communities across the state regularly suffer from domestic violence, suicide and other related issues because of it. Tonight, we reach the conclusion of our reporting series “Being Young In Rural Alaska”, from the producers of Kids These Days. Traveling and reporting in rural Alaska, it’s impossible to miss the signs of alcohol abuse, and yet people often don’t talk about it: it’s such a part of life that it’s almost taken for granted. So what’s it like to be a kid growing up around heavy alcohol use in small-town Alaska? Sarah Gonzales heads to Kotzebue to find out.

Alaska News Nightly: August 3, 2011

State Approves Lease Agreement for In-State Gasline, Denali Commission Official Anxious for Clarity on Returned Funds Request, Parnell Objects to Federal Management of Wetlands, Arkansas Teenagers Who Killed Juneau Man Will be Tried as Adults, and more...

Dena’ina Athabascan Exhibit Wraps Up At Anchorage Museum

Sunday marked the final day of the Dena’ina Athabascan exhibit at the Anchorage Museum. A culmination of seven years of work, the exhibit reveals the art, history, culture and science of the lives of the people whose territory Anchorage now encompasses. Aaron Leggett is one of the curators and a Dena’ina tribal member. We walked through the exhibit one last time on Sunday. Leggett says thousands of Anchorage school children, residents and tourists visited during the four month run. The exhibit starts with a contemporary fish camp scene. One of Leggett’s favorite parts of the exhibit is a slide show of the Dena’ina people. Download Audio

Final Vote On Abortion Bill Delayed After Divisive Amendment Process

The Alaska State House opened debate on a bill putting limits on state Medicaid payments for abortions on Thursday, only to shelve it and delay a final vote to Sunday.
A woman in a plaid shirt poses for a photograph in the woods.

Airport project in Gustavus continues despite residents’ concerns about contamination

While the state's additional testing showed high levels of PFAS chemicals, plans for the project have hardly changed to the frustration of some residents of a small Southeast community.
A grean lump with yellow dots

Another record-breaking day for COVID-19 in Alaska: 745 new infections reported Saturday

Hospitals across the state all expressed concern about the state’s health care system’s ability to handle the skyrocketing number of COVID-19 cases.

Alaskans take flight in last-minute push to persuade Murkowski to vote no on Kavanaugh

With Sen. Lisa Murkowski one of the undecided Republicans who could sink Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination, Alaskans who oppose him are boarding flights to make their case to the senator in person. Listen now

Humpbacks spotted in the Arctic Ocean

A federal agency says personnel working on oil industry vessels this summer have reported seeing humpback whales in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas.  Biologists...
a man poses for a portrait in a city area

Anchorage Assembly confirms city’s first Chief Equity Officer

The Anchorage Assembly confirmed the city’s first Chief Equity Officer on Tuesday, a new role dedicated to promoting equity in city government. That includes making sure municipal hiring and contracting is fair and representative of the community, tracking how municipal resources are distributed and educating the community about its role in dismantling systemic inequity.

Mediation proposed for salmon sustainability certification squabble

The Marine Stewardship Council will facilitate mediation for the salmon processors who disagree about who can participate in the client group that has the council’s sustainability certification. Back in April, ten of Alaska’s major salmon buyers asked to rejoin the label they dropped in 2012, saying it will help them tap back into picky European markets.
Brent Sass

Sass makes it 6 as Yukon Quest victory aims him at Iditarod

Brent Sass credits his lead dogs and a lighter sled for his sixth Quest win Monday, as his team sets its sights on the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.

2 Minors Charged In Illegal Musk Ox Killings

In January, two minors were charged in the Nome Court House with 11 counts of wanton waste of big game. The case comes from an incident a year-and-a-half ago near Brevig Mission in which a herd of musk ox were illegally killed and not harvested. At the time of the incident the defendants were 13 and 10-years-old. Download Audio

Young fishermen’s summit courts the next generation

The Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program recognizes that fishing is a complicated business to understand, and a challenging one to enter. This year the program is hosting its 6th Annual Young Fishermen’s Summit at the end of the month in Juneau to introduce newbies to the industry. Download Audio

Memoir details emigration from Ireland to New York to Alaska

A recent memoir chronicles the adventures of a young man as he emigrated from Ireland to New York and Alaska. Listen now

The Permanent Fund and the budget

Lawmakers couldn't pass a budget plan during 121 days of regular session and will now try to break the gridlock in a special session. All current proposals include using permanent fund earnings to fill the deficit. But the idea of the permanent fund is that it will be...permanent and some Alaskans say, don't touch it.

Alaska Public Media and Electionland want to hear about your vote!

Help Alaska Public Media cover access to the ballot and problems preventing people from exercising their right to vote during the 2016 election.