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New Ambassador To China Could Trigger Senatorial Domino Effect
Liz Ruskin, APRN – Washington DC
In Washington D.C., the buzz around the Capitol is that the White House is going to nominate Montana Senator Max Baucus to be ambassador to China. His departure with a year left on his term would trigger a domino effect in the Senate, advancing a few Democrats to key positions, and that could have big implications for Alaska.
Cook Inlet Production Up 13 Percent
Anne Hillman, APRN – Anchorage
According to the state’s Department of Revenue, Cook Inlet production increased by 13 percent last year. Hilcorp drilled 10 new wells there this year and refurbished more than 70 old ones. So does the Cook Inlet Renaissance mean that South Central’s energy woes are over?
Tanana Chiefs Conference Gets Lead Role In Tribal Foster Care
Tim Ellis, KUAC – Fairbanks
Tanana Chiefs Conference President Jerry Isaac and the head of the Health and Social Services Commissioner signed an agreement yesterday that will give TCC the lead role in managing foster care for tribal children.
Government Requests Proposals For Emergency Food Systems
Zachariah Hughes, KNOM – Nome
Earlier this month, the Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Department of Military and Veterans Affairs put out a “request for proposals”—or RFP—for contracts to set up an emergency food system. The plan is to stockpile food for 40,000 people at two separate locations in the state.
GCI Announces Incoming 1-Gigabit Service
Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Anchorage
Anchorage based General Communications, Inc., or GCI, plans to deploy the state's first one gigabit Internet service by January of 2015. Company officials say the move is in line with FCC requests to make faster broadband speeds available to consumers.
Alaskan Brewing Company Reacts To ‘Wastebook’ Listing
Jeremy Hsieh, KTOO – Juneau
Republican Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn’s annual “Wastebook” released Tuesday purports to document cases of wasteful federal spending.
Eagle Wreaks Havoc Inside Unalaska Ship Supply Store
Annie Ropeik, KUCB – Unalaska
A department store in Unalaska had an unwelcome customer for about three hours Wednesday night – a bald eagle, which flew in a loading door and refused to leave. The juvenile bird flew around the Alaska Ship Supply store for about three hours before state troopers and employees were able to get it out.