Bethel teen arrested for alleged threats of school violence

a school
Bethel Regional High School 2021. (Gabby Hiestand Salgado/KYUK)

A 13-year-old Bethel high school student was arrested Tuesday for allegedly threatening to blow up Bethel Regional High School and shoot fellow students, according to the Bethel Police Department.

Police said that they responded to Bethel Regional High School at about 1 p.m. after receiving reports of the alleged threats. After an initial investigation, they said that the student was charged with three counts of terroristic threats and taken to Bethel’s youth facility for processing.

Bethel Police wrote in a post on social media that they did not locate any weapons or explosives during their initial investigation, and that no students or staff at Bethel Regional High School were harmed during the incident.

This is a developing news story and may be updated with additional information.

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