Homer couple’s home and business raided by FBI, possibly in connection to Jan. 6 insurrection

Homer Inn and Spa. (Credit: Homer Inn and Spa)

A Homer couple says their home and business were raided by the FBI on Wednesday morning. An FBI spokesperson confirmed that agents visited Paul and Marilyn Hueper at Homer Inn and Spa, though described it as “a court-authorized law-enforcement activity,” and not a raid.

On Wednesday evening, Marilyn Hueper posted on Facebook that a dozen armed agents “broke into” her home business on Ocean Drive Loop and handcuffed her and her husband. She said after the agents searched the house, they seized her phones and laptops.

In the post, Hueper claimed the FBI was seeking “Nancy Pelosi’s laptop,” which was stolen from the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 when insurrectionists connected with President Trump stormed the building. She said agents had mistaken her for another woman.

FBI Public Affairs Officer Chloe Martin in Anchorage would not confirm the search was connected with the Jan. 6 riots.

The FBI has been seeking hundreds of rioters who attacked Congress, and has posted thousands of photographs of suspects. Hueper reposted one of them on Facebook, saying the FBI thought the woman in the picture was her.

The couple appeared on the TBC Broadcasting show “On Top of the World Radio” Thursday afternoon. Paul Hueper said the FBI showed him pictures of himself in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, but when they showed him the woman in question, he said that while it looked like his wife, it wasn’t her. 

The Huepers were in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6. But Paul Hueper says they only attended a peaceful protest. He denied having entered the Capitol.

Hueper said the raid on their home lasted three or four hours and he was not shown the warrant until it was over. He said two houseguests were also handcuffed.

Correction: An earlier version of this story misspelled the Huepers’ last name. It is Hueper, not Heuper.

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Jay Barrett is the news director at KMXT in Kodiak.

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