PHOTOS: Election Day across Alaska

Alyse Galvin, the Democratic Party-endorsed candidate for U.S. House, poses for a photo on Election Day, Nov. 3, 2020, next to her campaign bus. She was taking a break from waving signs at a busy Anchorage intersection. (Nat Herz/Alaska Public Media)

Alaskans are hitting the polls across the state on Tuesday, as the 2020 election season reaches its much-anticipated end. Some residents — including some candidates — took the opportunity to do some last-minute sign-waving in Anchorage.

The presence of the COVID-19 pandemic is also hard to miss, as voters and poll workers wear masks and polling stations are equipped with plastic barriers and hand sanitizer.

Most Alaska polls close at 8 p.m. Here’s a look at election day around Alaska.

Republican U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan stands with a group of sign-wavers on the morning of Election Day, Nov. 3, 2020, at the corner of Benson Boulevard and Minnesota Drive in Anchorage. (Nat Herz/Alaska Public Media)
People gathered on the side of a road hold up Dan Sullivan campaign signs.
Residents wave signs in support of Dan Sullivan at a busy intersection in Midtown Anchorage on Tuesday. (Jeff Chen/Alaska Public Media)
a person stands with a badge and mask on in front of doors
Poll watcher Diana Svede at Service High School in Anchorage on Election Day 2020. An election machine was malfunctioning at the time forcing voters to put their votes in a pile for hand-counting, but elections officials say the machine was replaced later in the day and voting wasn’t disrupted. (Jeff Chen/Alaska Public Media)
A sign in a grassy field reads "Vote here today."
A sign directs voters to a polling location in Unalaska, AK on Tuesday. (Hope McKenney/KUCB)
A man leans over his ballot at a table, separated from poll workers by a plexiglass panel.
Poll workers in Unalaska help a man with his ballot. (Hope McKenney/KUCB)
A sign that reads "Vote here" is propped up outside a polling location.
A sign welcomes voters to a polling station in Wrangell, AK. (Photo by Sage Smiley/KSTK)
A table with gloves, hand sanitizer, masks and cleaning products sits outside a polling place.
Poll workers have gloves, hand sanitizer and other personal protection equipment set out for voters in Wrangell, AK on Tuesday. (Sage Smiley/KSTK)
A group of sixth-graders hold signs on a street corner with messages that read "Vote" and "Thank you for voting."
Sixth-graders hold signs encouraging people to vote at the busy intersection of Jefferson Street and Tongass Avenue in Ketchikan. (Eric Stone/KRBD)
A man takes his ballot from a poll worker. They are separated by a plexiglass shield.
Voters sign for their ballots at the Auke Bay precinct on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020, in Juneau, Alaska. (Rashah McChesney/KTOO)
A woman sits at a table behind a large plexiglass wall set on top of the table.
A Dillingham poll worker sits behind a plexiglass shield to help voters cast their ballots. ( Brian Venua/KDLG)
Voters leave a polling place in Nome, AK on Tuesday. (Sophia DeSalvo/KNOM)
A woman wearing a mask sits at a table with a stack of ballots.
Andrea Irrigoo waits at a polling place in Nome to help voters with their ballots. (Sophia DeSalvo/KNOM)
Poll workers sit behind tables and voters stand in a socially distanced line inside a fire hall, with fire trucks parked on either side.
Voters line up inside Bayside Fire Hall in Kodiak to cast their ballots. (Dylan Simard/KMXT)
A few rolls of Alaska voter stickers sit on a table.
Alaska voter stickers sit ready for voters who have just cast their ballots in Kodiak on Tuesday. (Dylan Simard/KMXT)
a portrait of a woman outside

Kavitha George is Alaska Public Media’s climate change reporter. Reach her at Read more about Kavithahere.

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