On Friday, an Anchorage police officer was arrested on two counts of sexual abuse of a teenager in an incident that allegedly took place in May. Officials say once they learned of the allegation they acted immediately, and don't believe there is evidence of a broader pattern by the accused.
In court documents, 28-year-old patrol officer Andres Ornelas is accused of having sex with a 14-year-old after she had consumed alcohol in his home. The girl is not identified in the reports, but is described as the younger sister of Ornelas's girlfriend, with whom he lived. Though the incident is alleged to have happened in May, police didn't learn about it until July 31, when a person familiar with the family contacted APD to report details. From there, the department acted swiftly, according to APD Chief Justin Doll. By Friday, investigators obtained an arrest warrant. That same day, detectives interrogated Ornelas, after which point he was arrested and transported to jail. APD put out a public statement immediately afterwards late Friday night.
"It was very important that the police department release this information as soon as we possibly could without compromising the criminal case," Doll said.
According to the investigating detective's report, Ornelas tried to take his own life several days after the abuse is alleged to have taken place.
Ornelas has been with APD for two-and-a-half years. The department placed him on unpaid leave until the investigation is finished.
Ornelas did not return a voice mail seeking comment on the case.
The victim also told investigators there was another incident that happened two years prior, in which she woke up to find Ornelas with his arms around her. However, investigators believe the sexual abuse was confined to a single incident.
"We just didn't have something that seemed like this was a long, on-going string of incidents," Doll said. "I think it's important to assure the public, 'hey, we don't think this is like a long-standing, wide-spread issue, we think this is an isolated deal that we're looking at.'"
The case is being referred to the Office of Special Prosecutions, and APD says Internal Affairs will be conducting its own investigation, too.
Ornelas is charged with two felonies in the case. He was released from custody after bail was set at $50,000.