Police Memorial Day in Fairbanks pays tribute to last year’s fallen officer

Anchorage citizens watch as a police escort brings Sgt. Allen Brandt’s body to Ted Stevens International Airport in November. (Photo by Wesley Early, Alaska Public Media – Anchorage)

Today is Police Memorial Day, and a ceremony to remember law enforcement officers in the state who have died in the line of duty, was held in Fairbanks this morning.

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The names of 70 Alaska law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty since 1897 were read aloud.

Fairbanks Police Sergeant Allen Brandt’s name was the last to be read. Sergeant Brandt died after being shot responding to call last October, a loss City Mayor Jim Matherly told ceremony attendees, continues to weigh heavy on the community.

“It’s heartbreaking, that for many years, Allen was here in this very parking lot with all of us on Police Memorial Day — honoring those who gave their lives in the line of duty,” Matherly said. “And now we stand here, honoring him today.”

Sergeant Brandt’s widow and four young children attended this morning’s ceremony. The family and representatives of the Fairbanks and North Pole Police departments traveled to Washington D.C. last week for national law enforcement memorial events.

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Dan Bross is a reporter at KUAC in Fairbanks.

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