This week we’re hearing from Rex Koenig in Anchorage. Koenig is originally from Nome, but he moved to the Mountain View neighborhood in the 80s.
Rex: It was nice back in the 80's, nobody around. Less crime, nobody died. Now it's like totally different.
When I used to live here, at 12, 1 or 2 in the morning you don't hear anything. Now it's like *makes shooting sounds*. Not every night, every now and then you hear shots fired. It's just horrible.
We are the cancer of the earth, basically. Destroying the earth, we don't care whose land it is or whose property. Just destroy it! We'll rebuild it! I hate that. Just lay in bed and go, "I wish I was in Nome." (laughs)
But I had fun here. Before this was the library the library was in Clark Middle School. That was kind of interesting, back then. I'd pretty much go to the library Wednesdays through Saturdays. Download fonts and compare to my old typewriter, Underwood typewriter. It's a darn good one. I like it. It still works! I cleaned it up, it had a bunch of cat hair, dog hair, human hair - you name it.
I mean, it's better than today's technology. You don't actually have to have batteries, no recharging. You can actually still type.