No time to Google when mom is ready to deliver

Anchorage municipal attorney Bill Falsey holds his new baby, James. (Photo courtesy of the Falseys.)
Anchorage municipal attorney Bill Falsey holds his new baby, James. (Photo courtesy of the Falseys.)

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Anchorage municipal attorney Bill Falsey got a quick lesson in labor and delivery this week. He and his wife, Alaska Dispatch News reporter Jeannette Lee Falsey, expected to have their baby in the hospital.

Falsey says Jeannette woke at about three in the morning on December 29th, with contractions that were far apart. By 6 am, the couple had called Bill’s mom to come to the house and were getting ready to go to the hospital. Then Jeannette’s water broke and the contractions quickly became more urgent.

“Ten minutes apart, nine minutes apart,” Falsey recalls the suspenseful countdown. “Eight. Eight. Eight. Five. Three. Two. Crowning, ears, face, head, baby and from water breaking to delivery was probably tops, 10 minutes.”

James was born on the bathroom floor.

Falsey says he didn’t have time to consult Google for tips on delivering a baby at home:

“There wasn’t a lot of thinking that went on from my perspective, we just lay Jeannette down, grab some towels, my mom walked in with the 911 call and we were just off to the races.”

James’ delivery was a big contrast to the couples’ first child, Stella, who took her time coming into the world, Falsey said.

Jeannette was calm through the whole ordeal. “We finished and she started laughing. I think there was a relief component and a, ‘did that really just happen?’ component.”

A paramedic and firefighters from Fire Station 7 arrived a few minutes after baby James was born. They cut the cord, made sure the baby was doing well and took Jeannette, Bill and the baby to Providence hospital.

James weighed in at 7 lb, 7 oz.

a portrait of a woman outside

Annie Feidt is the broadcast managing editor at Alaska Public Media. Reach her Read more about Anniehere

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