JPD Officers Still Coming To Grips With Alleged Confrontation With Former Colleague

Juneau police officers are still trying to deal with being fired upon, apparently by someone that they worked with for years.

45-year old Troy Wilson is being charged with fifteen felonies, including four counts of attempted murder and seven counts of assault for shooting at specific officers. They were among those who responded to the scene at Wilson’s home on Black Wolf Way in a Juneau neighborhood on Saturday night, April 7.  Wilson was allegedly intoxicated and suicidal, armed with at least two handguns and one high-powered rifle, and equipped with a bulletproof vest and night vision.

As many as 75 rounds were fired at officers with bullets impacting trees, a mailbox, at least two vehicles, and at least one nearby home. Residents were asked to evacuate the area. No one was hurt.

“It’s hard, it’s hard for folks right now. There’s varying levels of sadness, disbelief, and concern,” Cindi Brown-Mills, Juneau Police Department spokesperson, said. “We’ve had a critical incident stress management debriefings, a couple of them. We’ve had some volunteer counselors as well as chaplains and folks in the building. A lot of outpouring of concern from the community and support which has been really wonderful.”

Responding officers did not return fire. As for containment of an alleged assailant and negotiating for potential surrender versus perhaps an attempted assault on Wilson’s home, Brown-Mills says she won’t comment on officers’ tactics that night.

But she did say that they could not have had a better outcome. She says everyone either was safe or went home at the end of the night, and officers were very professional.

“Of course, that’s stressful for folks. For anyone. I’m not sure what level each individual was affected by that, but of course it’s scary. Although, I will tell you that I’ve never been prouder of the people that I work with than (after) watching the outcome of that incident and how professional they were and how well they handled themselves. They did an excellent job and they did exactly what they were trained to do. I am honored to serve with them,” Brown-Mills said.

Wilson started as Juneau police officer in September of 1994 and was eventually promoted to sergeant and then lieutenant. He was assigned to the communications division and then the special operations division, which included working as SWAT commander and instructor.

Brown-Mills declined to comment about any stated reasons for Wilson’s departure this past December, saying it’s a personnel-related matter that she cannot disclose. She did say that Wilson submitted a resignation, likely giving the required 30-days notice.

When pressed about apparent health issues possibly related to Wilson’s departure, Brown-Mills says that information was earlier released in error and she cannot comment on it any further.

The investigation into the shooting and standoff continues. Wilson already appeared in court last Sunday and Tuesday. His next appearance is set for April 20.

Wilson has not yet entered a plea in the case.

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Matt Miller is a reporter at KTOO in Juneau.

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