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Powerful Questions to Stimulate Dialogue on Racism

What follows are a series of questions provided to participants in the Alaska Native Dialogues on Racial Equity project to help facilitate discussions on the topic of racial inequity.  They are provided here as a tool for those interested in hosting dialogues of their own:

Powerful Questions to Stimulate Dialogue on Racism

Addressing concerns about elevating the topic of racism:

What would happen if we don’t have these conversations on racism in Alaska?
What is the worst that could happen in our communities by having these conversations?
What is the best that could happen as a result of these conversations?
General Group Questions:

What does racial equity mean?
How would you describe the current state of racial equity in Alaska today?
If this project is successful, what can Alaska look like in 50 years?
How can having these conversations help make our home better for everyone?
What was your earliest memory of racism?
Potential Open Space Questions:

What topics do our communities need to address regarding racism?
When are our communities at their strongest? At our best? How can we build on that strength?
Regarding Policy:

What policies foster racism?
How could a racially equitable constitutional convention/government change the shape of policy today?
How do we ensure racial equity is a top priority of policy makers?

© First Alaskans Institute, “Alaska Native Dialogues on Racial Equity” project