What About Iran?

The Alaska World Affairs Council is proud to present Dr. Trita Parsi, President of the National Iranian American Council on February 10, 2012. Dr. Parsi, an award-winning author and expert on Iran and the Middle East, will speak on the subject of his latest book: A Single Roll of the Dice: Obama’s Diplomacy with Iran.

Prior to founding the National Iranian American Council, Parsi served on the UN Security Council and on the Humanitarian Affairs Committee as a member of the Swedish Permanent Mission to the UN. Dr. Parsi was born in Iran but moved with his family to Sweden at a young age to escape the political suppression his father endured as an outspoken, non-Muslim academic. As an adult Dr. Parsi relocated to the United States.

Dr. Parsi wrote his doctoral dissertation at Johns Hopkins University on Israeli-Iranian relations. Additionally, He was awarded the Council on Foreign Relations’ Arthur Ross Book Award Silver Medal for his 2008 title, Treacherous Alliance: The Secret Dealings of Iran, Israel and the United States.

An Interview with Dr Parsi, via Democracy Now:

The program begins at noon at the Hilton Hotel. Doors open at 11:30. Lunch is $30 for non-members and $25 for members; coffee and dessert are $15, students are always admitted for free. UAA faculty can now also come for free; they just have to present ID to get in. To RSVP for the program or learn about becoming an AWAC member, please email info@alaskaworldaffairs.org or call us at 276-8038.

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The Alaska World Affairs Council is a focused educational organization dedicated to stimulating interest in world affairs and inspiring its members to be involved in world events. The council was founded in 1958 by the late Evangeline Atwood with the conviction that better community education in world affairs is necessary for sound democratic citizenship. The Council does not take a stand on current-day issues but rather provides the population a wide spectrum of viewpoints and background information through its diverse range of programs and activities.


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