Bethel Votes to Reverses Damp Status

Alcohol will become unrestricted in Bethel. Bethel has been damp for 32 year but that’s sure to change now. Proposition One has passed with even more votes after the Bethel Canvass board met last night (Monday) to complete the vote count. The Ballot question asked Bethel voters if the City should revoke local option. Bethel voters have approved the measure by 54 percent.

Shane Iverson, KYUK – Bethel

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Alcohol will become unrestricted in Bethel. Bethel has been damp for 32 year but that’s sure to change now. Proposition One has passed with even more votes after the Bethel Canvass board met last night (Monday) to complete the vote count. The Ballot question asked Bethel voters if the City should revoke local option. Bethel voters have approved the measure by 54 percent.
Shane Iverson, KYUK – Bethel
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