Our understanding of brain development and the impact of adversity and chronic stress in childhood are changing how we understand risk and how we think about solutions. Thanks to a decade-old study conducted by Kaiser Permanente and the CDC, scientists now know that chronic stress, also known as toxic stress, caused by traumatic experiences during childhood such as child maltreatment or neglect, parental substance abuse, or sexual abuse have a direct link with an increased risk for chronic diseases due to their impact on the child’s developing brain and immune system. In practical and plain language, Dr. Blodgett will present the science and the recommendations for how the integration of trauma-informed approaches improve outcomes in education, health care, criminal justice response, and social services.
- Dr. Christopher Blodgett, a Washington State University faculty member and a licensed clinical psychologist. He has been the principal investigator for more than three dozen federal and national foundation grants addressing high-risk children and families. Dr. Blodgett, and his team, partner with communities and systems to adapt the science of resilience, brain development and trauma treatment to better address trauma resulting from adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Now funded by multiple federal and philanthropic grants, his work documents the profound and immediate consequences of ACEs and tests practical actions to improve child, family, and system outcomes.
- All Alaska Pediatric Partnership
- ACEs Connection, a movement to prevent ACEs, heal trauma, and build resilience
- ACEs site from the CDC
- Easy ACEs test from NPR.org
- Alaska's Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities
LIVE BROADCAST: Monday, November 21, 2016, at 2:00 p.m. AKDT
REPEAT BROADCAST: Monday, November 14, 2016, at 8:00 p.m. AKDT