Photo Gallery: RurAL CAP App Screenshots

A collection of recently posted screen shots of RurAL CAP's iphone app. Have you uploaded some cool photos to your Facebook? Tag @townsquare49 or email with the link and we'll post them here. Click for more.

UAA Establishes Fund for Student-athlete Marko Cheseto

In response to an overwhelming number of inquiries regarding Marko Cheseto, a restricted fund has been established here at the University of Alaska Anchorage athletics department in support of him. This fund will consist of private donations only and no state monies will be used for this fund. Read more.

Alaska News Nightly: November 22, 2011

Bill Allen Not Facing Child Sexual Abuse Charges, Alaska Journalists Publish ‘Crude Awakening’, Fairbanks Hesitant to Take Strong Line Against ‘Occupy’ Protestors, Foreign Worker Program Frozen Due to Alleged Abuse, Kodiak Sees Decline in Bears Killed in Defense of Life, Property, Preparation and Caution Key to Holiday Shopping, Army Spouses Reality Show Coming to Alaska

Match Interview Series

Big Brothers Big Sisters is proud to show our Match Interview Series for 2011. We're excited to introduce you to Eric and David and Trina and Isis. Click for larger view.

Wild Alaskan Low-Bush Cranberry Sauce

Chutneys, sauces, jams and other acidic fruit preserves are a refreshingly tart way to brighten up a winter meal. I happened to find myself with 5 gallons of low-bush cranberries, handpicked and straight from the Interior. Check out one of my favorite ways to prepare the berries and then try your own experiments. Click for the recipe.

Something Different: November 20, 2011

Here’s the Sunday, November 20, 2011 edition of Something Different with Betsy. All tracks played are listed below in the following format:

The Wars of Afghanistan: Messianic Terrorism, Tribal Conflicts, and the Failures of Great Power

'The Great Game' was a term used for the strategic rivalry and conflict between the British Empire and the Russian Empire for supremacy in Central Asia. The classic Great Game period is generally regarded as running approximately from the Russo-Persian Treaty of 1813 to the Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907.

UAA To Host Annual Thanksgiving Day Feast

The University of Alaska Anchorage is hosting its annual Thanksgiving Day Feast this Thursday from 11AM to 1PM. The event is free and open to the public, and will be serving all the fixings of a home-cooked Thanksgiving dinner. The feast will be held at the Gorsuch Commons, 3700 Sharon Gagnon Lane. Featured here is a time-lapse of last year’s Thanksgiving Day Feast, which served 388 people. Click for larger view.

Alaska News Nightly: November 21, 2011

Delegation Reacts to Super Committee’s Failure to Come Up With Debt Reduction Plan, Probe Into Stevens Prosecutors Reveals Concealment But Does Not Call For Charges, Crews Finish Storm Damage Surveys, Cheseto’s Feet Amputated After Disappearance, Federal Court Upholds ‘Endangered' Listing for Cook Inlet Belugas, ANGDA Head Resigns, Human Remains Found Beneath Cable House, Kodiak Overtakes Homer As Top Halibut Port, Troller Dan Falvey Named 2011 Highliner of the Year,

Engaging Alaskan Youth in Digital Humanities

Imagine an Alaska where rural and urban youth are on the forefront of vital humanities cultural documentation. Inspired by such a vision, Kodiak-based nonprofit Media Action applied for and won the National Endowment for the Humanities funding to create InterAK, a web-portal serving Alaskan teachers, youth and the public. Learn more.

Night Music: November 19, 2011

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Connie G. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist Name Album Title Label Duration How My...

What Will We Be Thanking Alaska Natives for in the Future

Scientists working in Alaska have come to value the knowledge of Native Elders, but do new generations of elders have that same knowledge? With Thanksgiving Day approaching, “Talk of Alaska” takes a look at the current state of cross-cultural communication. The Natives helped the Massachusetts colonists survive. KSKA: Tuesday, 11/22 @ 10:00am

AK: School Lunch

One of the challenges of living in remote Alaska is easy access to fresh food, like produce. But that’s not the case at the school in Tenakee Springs, where every day, the students get a meal that goes above and beyond the usual cafeteria fare.

Alaska News Nightly: November 18, 2011

Despite Fading Expectations, Alaskans Urge Super Committee to ‘Go Big’, ANWR Hearing Spurs Fiery Remarks, Fairbanks Putting Up To $25,000 Into Redistricting Case, DC Legislation May Alter Rural Law Enforcement, Justice, Harsh, Weather Puts Pressure on Anchorage Homeless Shelters, 20 Kenai Peninsula Homes Still Without Power, AK: School Lunch, 300 Villages: Nightmute

Video: Alaska Native Heritage Month Reception

On Thursday, Nov. 3 in the Student Union Cafeteria, students, staff, faculty and members of the public enjoyed a delicious lunch of Native foods. The program was moderated by Dr. Maria Williams, Director of Alaska Native Studies. Marilyn Balluta gave the Dena'ina Blessing followed by remarks from UAA Chancellor Tom Case, a special message from the CIRI President and CEO Margaret L. Brown, and UAA student leaders, Polly Andrews and Warren Jones. The Native Student Council hosted a wonderful Native Dress Review, followed by a performance from the Sivuqaq Dancers. Click for larger view.

BP’s Probation; and the Aftermath of the Western Alaska Storm

The stories up for discussion this week include: BP’s corporate probation; Schaeffer Cox; legislators push for PFD to drop stock of companies investing in Iran; aftermath of the Western Alaska storm; ‘Frozen Ground’ wrapping up filming; the ‘Occupy’ movement; Don Young’s beanie. KSKA: Friday, 11/18 @ 2:00pm & Saturday, 11/19 @ 6:00pm KAKM: Friday, 11/18 @ 7:30pm & Saturday, 11/19 @ 5:00pm

Alaska News Nightly: November 17, 2011

UAF Professors Educates Senators About Carbon Dioxide Effects on Fish, Crab, Environments, Alaska Native Groups Challenge Salazar’s Chukchi Lease Sale Conclusion, 800 Still Without Power on Kenai Peninsula, Fairbanks Sets Another Daily Low Temperature Record, Ahmaogak Contesting North Slope Election Results, APOC Rejects Treadwell Settlement, BC Power Line Spurs Transboundary Development, Fairbanks Passes Resolution Encouraging Industrial Hemp Production, Bristol Bay Season Echoes Derby Days, Invasive Species Unleashed by Baronof Island Storm Damage

2nd Annual Templewoodstock Brings Music to UAA

UAA's Student Union hosted the 2nd Annual Templewoodstock music festival last Saturday. More than a dozen performers took to the stage to share their songs and passion with the Anchorage community.

Alaska News Nightly: November 16, 2011

‘Occupy Fairbanks’ Protestors Braving Temperatures Well Below Zero, Judge Considers Exxon Valdez Reopener Clause, Young Speaks on Obama Energy Plan, McAdams Forms Non-Partisan Interest Group, About 200 Turn Out to Comment on Wishbone Hill Project, Archaeologists Uncover Unusual Bronze Artifact in Northwest Alaska, Local Group Starts Co-Housing Project for Anchorage, Some Bears Still Active on Anchorage Hillside

-40: How Does it Feel?

-30 to -40 low temperatures in Fairbanks today. That kind of cold is an experience which, according to these UAF students, runs the gamut from 'awesome' to 'what do you think'. Click for larger view.