Alaska News Nightly: December 1, 2011

Fuel Shipment May Be Able Get To Nome, Treadwell Pushes For New Icebreakers, Experts Predict More Greenhouse Gas From Thawing Permafrost, Mike Hawker Cancer In ‘Complete Remission’, State’s Immigrant Population Lower Than National Average, Scientists Unveil Draft Halibut Limits for 2012, Bachelor Auction and Ball Coming to Talkeetna, Film Highlights Bristol Bay Native Culture

World Aids Day 2011

World AIDS Day is Thursday, December 1, 2011 and the Alaskan AIDS Assistance Association (Four A’s) is raising awareness about the global epidemic. In Alaska, Four A’s broadens the impact of World AIDS Day in our community by planning a series of activities to raise awareness and eliminate HIV stigma. This year’s theme is Aim for Zero. We are aiming for zero stigma, zero discrimination, zero risk, zero new cases and most importantly, zero deaths. Read more.

Alaska News Nightly: November 30, 2011

Alaska Natives Voice Concern Over National Tribal Consultation Policy, Push Beginning For State To Help Pay The Cost Of Student Meals, Feds Continue With Legal Actions Against BP, Salmon Eating Sled Dogs Show Higher Levels Of Mercury, Mt. Edgecumbe Student Recognized for Work to Reduce Young Alaskan Suicide Rate, Rare Bird Sighted in Seward, Aniak Pilot Died in Crash Tuesday Night, Glenallen Couple Gets Prison Time for Buying, Selling Illegal Animal Parts, Guns, Controversi, al Totem Pole Returns to Sitka Square

Alaska News Nightly: November 29, 2011

Postal Service Calls for Bypass Mail Changes, Season’s Last Fuel Delivery Unable to Make it to Nome, Alaska Native, Conservation Groups Challenge Shell Air Permit, Chinook Conditions Expected Through Weekend, AHF Awarded Grant to Expand Educator Cross-Cultural Immersion Program, FCC Launching Program Expanding Rural Broadband Access, Groups Suing State For Failure to Approve Water Rights Application, All New Alaska Outlaw Playing Cards Released,

Conversations that Matter: Teen Suicide Audience Commentary

Suicide is difficult to talk about. But often, the conversations most worth having are the hardest to tackle. With Conversations that Matter: Teen Suicide in Alaska, we hope to take a step towards an open, statewide dialog on this important issue. Following the live studio recording of the program, there was an opportunity for audience commentary and questions. Each video is a segment of that conversation. Click for more videos.

Alaska News Nightly: November 28, 2011

House Ethics Committee Extends Probe of Rep. Young, Murkowski Calls For Investigation Into Why Justice Department Not Investigating Allen, Militia Leader Pleads Not Guilty to Federal Weapons Charges, New Buoy Network Could Help Determine Long-Term Impacts of Ocean Acidification, Study Looks Into Health Effects of Climate Change in Alaska, State Reexamines Alaska Class Ferry Cost, UA Launches ‘Stay on Track’ Initiative, Black Friday Kicks Off Holiday Shopping in Wrangell

Suicide is Preventable.

Suicide is preventable. While each suicide or attempted suicide can be as unique as the person who experiences it, there are ways to address the multiple social, emotional, environmental and health factors involved. If every one of us learned about suicide, and the risk factors and protective factors involved, we would be better prepared to prevent suicide in our families and communities. How can Alaskans learn about suicide and how it is prevented? Read more.

The Importance of a Healthy Lifestyle

Alaskan youth want and need strong and healthy role models at home and in their communities. Substance abuse by parents and community leaders was identified by stakeholders young and old as a major contributor to suicide. Alaskans seeking to make healthy choices and overcome addictions and negative behaviors can learn more about treatment and support services have a number of options. Learn more.

The Winter Bear Project

The Winter Bear is a play about an abused, neglected Alaska Native teenager who decides suicide is his best option until Athabascan elder Sidney Huntington shows him how to use traditional culture to work through his despair and find his true voice. We have performed for enthusiastic audiences in Fairbanks, Galena and Anchorage. After every show, people tell us heart-wrenching stories about the terrible toll suicide is extracting from their lives and beg us to bring the play’s message of hope to their communities. That’s what we’d like to do. Read more.

Ms. Camai Taking On Rural Suicide

Suicide is a strong word. It can put a room to silence, or make the world roar. I’m one of who does both. I’m silent when it happens, but I’ll roar when I want to stop it. And right now, I’m roaring! As Ms. Camai, my goal is to stop the rising rate of suicide among Alaska Natives with a touch of inspiration. And this is my first step into a path of conquering the negativities that affect my people. Let’s stop it together. Read More.

Suicide is Never Over

I dreamt about Stephen last night, my dearest friend from high school. He came to visit–back from the dead, but just for a little while, he said. In my dream, it seemed normal, but also very significant and powerful that he was allowed this quick visit with me. I cried as I hugged him and touched his face. Read more.

Algo Nuevo: November 27, 2011

Here’s the music playlist from the Sunday November 27, 2011 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you...

Traveling Music: November 27, 2011

Here’s the music playlist from Traveling Music with Shonti Elder. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist / Composer CD Title Label Erev...

Soul to Soul: November 26, 2011

Here’s the music playlist from the November 26, 2011 edition of Soul to Soul with Marvel and Sherry Johnson. All tracks played are...

Night Music: November 26, 2011

Here’s the music playlist for Night Music with Kirk Waldhaus. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Song Title Artist Name Album Title Label Duration Uru Leonardo Amuedo Sticks...

AK: ‘Host a Coastie’ an Unalaska Hit

A few years ago in Unalaska a new Turkey day tradition was born. It was Mayor Shirley Marquardt’s idea and she gave it catchy name: Host a Coastie.

Alaska News Nightly: November 25, 2011

Alaska’s Attorney General Resigning, State Lawmaker’s Son Found After White-Knuckled Search, China Stars Country’s First Salmon Farm, Ferry System May Make Horse Travel Easier, Group Releases Report on Dangerous, Potentially Dangerous Toys, Kids Learn the Lost Art of Tinkering, AK: ‘Host a Coastie’ an Unalaska Hit, 300 Villages: Talkeetna

Alaska News Nightly: November 23, 2011

Senators Prepare for More Budget Battles, Survey Shows Increase in Bristol Bay Shareholder Opposition to Pebble Mine, High Tech Survey Shows More Gold Deposits Near Old Gold Rush Sites, Governor’s Advisory Group Opposes Sealaska Bills, Kookesh Challenging Stedman for State Senate Seat, Former Galena Air Force Base Cleanup Ahead of Schedule, Fairbanks Non-Profits Team Up to Start Homeless Youth Shelter, Thanksgiving Blessing Project Enters Eighth Year

Soul to Soul: November 20, 2011

Here’s the music playlist from the November 20, 2011 edition of Soul to Soul with Marvel and Sherry Johnson. All tracks played are listed below in the following format:

Traumatic Brain Injury and Alzheimer’s

Dr. Joshua Gatson is an award winning Assistant Professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Dr. Gatson is currently participating in some of the first clinical studies in the world attempting to prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia from developing in individuals who have experienced a traumatic brain injury. In this edition of Aging in Alaska, our host, Lisa Wawrzonek interviews Dr. Gatson about his work and new developments in the field of Alzheimer’s research. Click for more.