Alaska News Nightly: Monday, Apr. 11, 2016

Wrangell mourns victims of Friday's plane crash; Power Cost Equalization Fund could pay for community assistance; Alaska House postpones vote on oil tax bill – again; Congress seeks to privatize air-traffic control; crews search for two missing on Bear Glacier; missing kayaker presumed dead; State Senate passes criminal justice overhaul bill; “We Are AVCP” claims tribal representatives seeking transparency on recent controversies; ‘In Amundsen’s Footsteps’: Expedition re-traces route of explorer’s 1905 Journey Download Audio
algo nuevo

Algo Nuevo April 10, 2016

Here’s the Sunday, April 10th, 2016 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments or music requests for host Dave Luera, send email to or post your comment at the bottom of this post.

Night Music: April 9, 2016

Here is the Night Music Playlist with Kirk Waldhaus. All tracks played are listed below in the following format: Title Artist / Composer (if known...

Alaska News Nightly: Friday, Apr. 8, 2016

Wrangell-Angoon plane crash leaves 3 dead; oil tax bill scales back incentives for new oil; use of Permanent Fund on budget focused on in Legislature; Senate passes bill allowing firearms on UA campuses; University of Alaska braces for cuts, warns of economic impacts; standings remain competitive as Kobuk 440 mid-point nears; Savoonga harvests its second whale of the season; AK: Iñupiaq photographer documents life and culture in Alaska Inuit communities; 49 Voices: Indie Alaska Viewers in Anchorage Download Audio

49 Voices: Indie Alaska Viewers in Anchorage

This week, 49 voices heads to the Bear Tooth Theater in Anchorage, where Alaska Public Media's Indie Alaska program held a screening last week and made a short movie with Alaskans willing to answer a few questions in front of the camera. Download Audio

History of Chugach State Park

KSKA: Thursday, April 14, at 2pm. When you fly into Anchorage, what do you really notice? It's not the buildings or the roads, it's the mountains that take your breath away. It’s a gift, but it didn’t have to be that way. 50 years ago, the land we now call Chugach State Park was open for development. The reason we have a park now is because citizens got together and were bold enough to demand one. We’ll be talking about the history of the park and how it came into existence. DOWNLOAD AUDIO
Loussac Library, library, Anchorage

Z.J. Loussac Library and it’s Future

KSKA: Wednesday April 13 @ 2:00 and 8:00 pm The Loussac Library is getting a major remodel, fixing those problematic stairs, and much more. What is the purpose of a library in an age where you can find out almost anything with your phone? We'll find out what's in store for the library, and find out how the library is fitting into the new ways we get information. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

Education and Economic Opportunities for Women: solutions to poverty and conflict in Pakistan

KSKA: Tuesday, April 12, at 2:00 p.m. Jodi has been working with MDF since 2009. She is a former educator, earned a Masters degree in International Development from the University of Denver. Jodi visits Pakistan periodically and loves to share/present the meaningful work they do. Jodi is currently a board member of Four Valleys Community School and working on publishing a book about their experience providing education and economic opportunities to vulnerable populations in Pakistan. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

The status of Alaska’s budget

Lawmakers are in the final days of the regular legislative session and there is still a lot of daylight between the budget plans of the House and Senate and the Governor. Where do the fiscal plans stand currently and what are the potential impacts to the state's economy? APRN: Tuesday, April 12 at 10:00am

Anchorage Opera’s The Mikado

KSKA: Friday, April 8 at 2:45pm Take a magical trip to a fantasy Japan (seen through 19th Century British satire) as Stage Talk welcomes three of the stars from Anchorage Opera's upcoming production of Gilbert and Sullivan's comic opera The Mikado. The Mikado runs April 15-17 in the Discovery Theatre in the Performing Arts Center. DOWNLOAD AUDIO

The Mat-Su Behavioral Health Environmental Scan

Monday, April 11, 2016, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. The major determinates of human health include health policies, social factors, health care, genetics and individual behavior. In this program we will discuss health, behavioral health, and access to care through focusing on the Mat-Su Behavioral Health Environmental Scan. DOWNLOAD AUDIO
Ethan Berkowitz. (Photo by Josh Edge, APRN - Anchorage)

Anchorage Municipal Elections: What passed and what didn’t?

Voters headed to the polls on Tuesday in Anchorage to cast their votes for assembly seats, school board members and a number of ballot issues. Ellen Lockyer discusses what the outcome means for Anchorage on this week's Alaska Edition.

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, Apr. 7, 2016

Corrections officers union seeks retraction of review, opposes commissioner; Forest Service chief: Firefighting cost leaves little room for prevention, other programs; late-night conditions preempt firefighting efforts at McHugh Creek; GCI fiber optic cut causes outages across the state; fifteen mushers set to compete in Kobuk 440 Race; the Amsterdam of Alaska: pot businesses sit down with Spenard; semi-pro Alaska baseball team settles disputes with Fairbanks Borough; Voznesenka parents tell KPBSD 'Keep School Open' Download Audio

Archiving Alaska’s History | INDIE ALASKA

When old Alaskan film reels find their way from dusty basements to the Alaska Film Archives in Fairbanks, Angie Schmidt's job is to restore and maintain the footage. Having found her own Alaskan adventure through her role as head archivist, Angie holds a deep understanding of Alaska's history and is committed to restoring a collection of 2,000 "Alaska Review" raw tapes.

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, Apr. 6, 2016

Budget talks entering final phase; feds refuse state request to prosecute Bill Allen; offshore drilling plan draws protests; North Slope mayor recalled by voters; liberals get edge in Anchorage elections, massive school bond fails; Girdwood police vote undetermined; Emmonak declares disaster after fire threatens fishing industry; Peninsula spruce threatened by aphid; taking a field trip to the moon, sort of Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Tuesday, Apr. 5, 2016

Four Supreme Court nominees submitted to Gov. Walker; Rep. Olson bill would tax Permanent Fund dividends as budget stopgap; Alaskans are testifying more than ever... but does it matter?; Rep. Young calls on Juneau Republicans to support Sturgeon case; no trucks advised on upriver ice road; Denali area wolf hunt shortened; bonds, Assembly seats and School board among Anchorage Municipality ballots; bill introduced to allow communities to contribute to Marine Highway; Sitka commemorates relationship with Japanese sister city Download Audio

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, Apr. 4, 2016

Criminal justice bill amended to reduce benefits to sex offenders; Senate Finance Committee pulls various bills from hearing; Alaska Air buys Virgin America, and may keep a hint of its bling; Retired EPA ecologist Phil North speaks out; Eielson chosen to base the F-35; avalanche fatality at Summit Lake; State calls off student testing; Seawolves fall to Lubbock Christian in NCAA Division II championship game; Juneau seawater heat pump more than a pipe dream? Download Audio
Gov. Bill Walker’s plan to fund state operations with Permanent Fund earnings is up for public comment before the Senate State Affairs Committee. (Photo by Jeremy Hsieh/KTOO)

Governor Walker’s plan for fiscal stability

Governor Bill Walker's plan to solve the state's 4 billion dollar budget deficit has it all- budget cuts, new taxes and lower Permanent Fund Dividend payments in the years ahead. But his approach has plenty of critics in the legislature. What do you think? Join host Lori Townsend for a discussion on the state budget on the next Talk of Alaska statewide. Download Audio

Traveling Music 4-10-16

Traveling Music 4-10-16 Shonti Elder (fund drive)   Format: Song Title Artist / Composer CD Title Label Duration     Coat of Many Colors Eva Cassidy / Dolly Parton Somewhere Blix Street Records 3:17   Don't Get Killed Andy Breckman / Andy Breckman The...

Cyrano’s Rapture, Blister, Burn

When is a play that is known to be about feminism not just about feminism, but really is? Join three members of the cast of Cyrano's latest offering, Gina Gionfriddo's Pulitzer nominated play Rapture, Blister, Burn this week on Stage Talk to find out. Rapture, Blister, Burn performs at Cyrano's April 1 through the 24th. KSKA: Friday, April 1 at 2:45pm DOWNLOAD AUDIO