Traveling to the SSWC 2016

KSKA: Thursday, June 22, at 2:00 p.m. This show covers two topics to achieve the same goal. It's one part travel show, discussing what it takes to travel overseas with a bicycle and all the gear one needs to visit another country. The second part is about what it's like to attend, and race in, the Single Speed World Championships (SSWC). It's a crazy fun time, and we'll try to share what it's like to travel half-way across the globe to be there. LISTEN HERE
two fishermen

AK: World’s only urban king fishery has lines casting in downtown Anchorage

Anchorage's annual Slam'n Salm'n Derby is in full swing this week. Since last Friday, fishermen at Ship Creek have been competing to see who can hook the biggest king salmon. Listen now

Melting the “Ice Curtain”

KSKA: Wednesday, June 21 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. How far away is Russia? Sometimes, when Russian bombers test Alaska military defenses, it seems very close. But in the 1990s, it was even closer, as Alaskans and Siberians formed warm cultural and business relationships across the border. In the 1990's Alaskans and Russians built strong ties across the Bering Sea between our two countries. LISTEN HERE

Alaska Women’s Hall of Fame, 2017

KSKA Tuesday, June 20 2017, at 2:00 p.m. The Alaska Women’s Hall of Fame is dedicated to honoring, in perpetuity, women whose contributions have influenced the direction of Alaska in any field. LISTEN HERE

Environmental exposure to chemicals and breast cancer

Monday, June 19, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Breast cancer results from the both genetic and environmental factors. This program hosts a discussion on the chemicals in our environment and the origins of breast cancer. Can they be avoided? What else can we do to limit our exposure? Let's talk about it on this next Line One. LISTEN HERE

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, June 15, 2017

With one day left in special session, little public progress on budget; Uber, Lyft cleared to launch in Alaska; Southeast tribal organization says it will support the Paris Climate Accord; Federal officials make formal apology for WWII internment of Unangan people; U.S. Senate committee advances bill to make Native tribes eligible for Amber Alert grants; Shareholders consider shrinking Sealaska board; Propeller problems postpone ferry Columbia’s return; Team Pure and Wild Freeburd wins 2017 Race to Alaska; Fiber broadband coming to Nome by year’s end, Quintillion says; Longevity crucial to teachers' impact in classroom; After over 40 years at Prudhoe Bay, general store manager to retire Listen now

Travleing Music 6-18-17

Traveling Music Shonti Elder 6-18-17   Format: Song Title Artist / Composer CD Title Label Duration   Under Calico The Company /  George Jackson, Michael Patrick Six and Five 3:05   Shame Rachel Baiman / Rachel Baimna Shame Free Dirt Records 3:35   So Far...

Anchorage Opera’s 2017-2018 season

KSKA: Friday, June 16 at 2:45pm Stage Talk continues its summer series of focusing on upcoming seasons and this week we invite Reed Smith, General Director of Anchorage Opera to drop by and let us know what they have in store for their "Happily Ever After" 2017-18 season. LISTEN HERE

Alaska News Nightly Mon. 6/12/17

Stories are posted on the APRN news page. You can subscribe to APRN’s newsfeeds via email, podcast and RSS. Follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter @aprn Listen now Tax debate in Juneau Andrew...
algo nuevo

Algo Nuevo June 11, 2017

Here’s the Sunday, June 11, 2017 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments or music requests for host Dave Luera, send email to or post your comment at the bottom of this post.

49 Voices: Zach Sarti of Anchorage

At first I was nervous of moose. I'd hear stories of people being like, "Don't get too close to 'em or they might charge you," or something like that. I mean, not that I've gotten real up close and personal, but I'm not afraid of moose anymore. But yeah, we still keep an eye out for bears. We like to take a Bluetooth speaker with us, make a lot of noise and let 'em know we're coming.

Invasive plants

KSKA: Thursday,June 15, at 2:00 p.m. Invasive plants on land and water can spread rapidly. Weeds entering a new system are something like viruses, or cancers, that can be dealt with relatively easy in the early stage, but become unmanageable if they go too far. The hopeful news is that Alaskans are tackling this challenge, and it is not too late to make a difference. LISTEN HERE

AK: Juneau city manager: ‘People genuinely don’t have somewhere to go’

A tent city sprang up in Alaska's capital city this spring. Juneau is struggling with a ballooning homeless population and so far efforts to crack down have just moved the problem around. KTOO's Jacob Resneck reports.

Palmer judge to launch Family Infant Toddler (FIT) therapeutic court

Courts have a role in protecting the most vulnerable in society. Young children are especially vulnerable; their early experiences actually shape their brain development. An Alaska judge is launching a therapeutic court with the welfare of young children in mind. LISTEN HERE

Meet Salim Amadi, from Somalia

"New Arrivals" is Alaska Public Media's profiles of people who recently moved to Anchorage, one of the most diverse cities in the world. The stories air at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesdays during Morning Edition here on KSKA, Alaska Public Media. LISTEN HERE

The future for polar bears and other arctic marine mammals

Polar bears need sea ice to survive. Scientist Steven Amstrup has devoted his career to polar bear research and is definitive in calling for global action in reducing greenhouse gas emissions such as those outlined in the Paris climate accord. The U.S. is no longer party to the agreement. So now what? LISTEN HERE

Special Education Services- The importance of early detection and intervention

Monday, June 12, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m. Every Alaskan child deserves and is entitled to receive appropriate educational services through the public education system. For some kids however, standard educational approaches are not able to meet their unique needs. Please join Line One co-host Prentiss Pemberton, and his guest, Anchorage School District Director of Early Childhood and Elementary Special Education, Lori Rucksdashel as they look at the Special Education process and the services available for your child. LISTEN HERE

The Last Frontier Theatre Conference

KSKA: Friday, June 9 at 2:45pm This years marks the 25th anniversary of one of the nation's premier theatre conferences and it's right here in Valdez, Alaska. The Last Frontier Theatre Conference started under the leadership of Dr. Jo Ann C. (Jody) McDowell and has been led by conference coordinator Dawson Moore since 2003. While at the core of the conference is the Play Lab, in which playwrights have their original works read to and given feedback by conference participants, the week-long event also features live performances, workshops in everything from acting and improvisation to playwriting and dramaturgy--and if that isn't enough, there is even a fringe festival that goes way into the evening. Conference Coordinator Dawson Moore joins Stage Talk via a phone line this week to let us in on all the details. LISTEN HERE

Alaska News Nightly, Thur. June 8

Stories are posted on the APRN news page. You can subscribe to APRN’s newsfeeds via email, podcast and RSS. Follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter @aprn Listen now State government shutdown could...

Alaska News Nightly: Wed., June,7, 2017

Stories are posted on the APRN news page. You can subscribe to APRN’s newsfeeds via email, podcast and RSS. Follow us on Facebook at and on Twitter @aprn Listen now Israel is working on...