Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”


Two weeks after Alaska’s first inmate tested positive there’s still no clear answer of how virus got in

Inmates and advocates worry that inmates' health isn't being taken seriously, but the Department of Corrections says that the lack of any further positive cases points to the success of its protocols.

Anchorage man swerved to hit friend in fatal Glenn Highway collision, charges say

Brian McGee, 25, is charged with murder after police say he left his friend on the side of a highway, then came back and hit him with a car.

Trans Alaska Pipeline Restarts

Annie Feidt, APRN – Anchorage Oil is flowing again through the Trans Alaska Pipeline. Workers labored through the night to install bypass piping...
A woman standing outside the entrance of the state capitol

Education committee considers bill banning transgender girls from female sports in Alaska

The bill looks similar to an Idaho law that didn’t go into effect. A federal judge considering that bill has said it’s likely unconstitutional.
correctional complex

State investigation finds Anchorage corrections officers used excessive force in 2017 pepper spray incident

The incident took place more than four years ago, and investigators say the state corrections department still hasn’t made adequate changes to prevent similar incidents.
A man speaks at a podium

Anchorage School Board votes to change school start times beginning in fall 2024

Starting in fall of 2024, elementary school students will begin class at 8 a.m., followed by high school at 8:45 a.m. and middle school at 9:30 a.m.

Dunleavy, Peltola request disaster funds for Bering Sea crab fisheries

Gov. Mike Dunleavy sought expedited disaster designations to compensate fishermen in the closed 2022 Bering Sea snow crab and Bristol Bay red king crab fisheries.

Federal Review Opens ANWR Debate

A large crowd turned out yesterday to give the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service their thoughts about how to manage the Arctic National Wildife...
a home

Woman found dead in an Anchorage home after police standoff

Police say both the woman and an officer fired their guns. Her death is under investigation.

For Caelus CEO, North Slope ‘big find’ wouldn’t be the first

In a shallow bay off Alaska’s North Slope, Caelus Energy may have made the biggest oil discovery the world has seen since 2010. If developed, the field could have a major impact on Alaska’s economy and the global oil market. But that’s a big “if” — there are plenty of obstacles to overcome. Listen Now
Two people in red jackets pose for a photo

Anchorage skier Scott Patterson’s US championship was a Hail Mary. Now he’s headed to the Olympics.

Scott Patterson and his sister Caitlin grew up skiing in Anchorage. And now both compete at the highest level of the sport.

Palin calls for 4% increase in state budget

Governor Sarah Palin introduced her state spending plan today for the legislature to consider during next year’s session. Annie Feidt, APRN - Anchorage

Hickel recommends legislators turn down TransCanada gas plan

Former Governor Wally Hickel this morning asked legislators to reject Governor Palin's proposal to license TransCanada as developer of a North Slope gas pipeline...

COVID-19 cases grow at North Slope oil fields, Anchorage Pioneer Home, as state confirms 86 positives

State and oil company officials have confirmed 13 cases of COVID-19 between two different North Slope oil fields, as Alaska reported 86 new cases of the virus Thursday.

Judge Overrules Deep Water Drilling Ban

Annie Feidt, APRN – Anchorage On Tuesday, a federal judge struck down the Obama administration’s six-month ban on deep-water oil drilling.  The judge said the...
Four young adults sit in chairs on stage.

Young leaders from Alaska, Canada and Greenland stress need for cultural preservation and climate adaptation

The panelists spoke at the three-day Arctic Encounter conference in downtown Anchorage that brought together leaders and organizations from around the circumpolar north.

Alaska’s gold medal swimmer looked like a winner even before race, dad says

While much of the pre-race attention was focused on two other more experienced, record-holding swimmers, Richard Jacoby says he knew his daughter had the training to be able to win and that her mind was in the right place, too.
Two young boys smile at the camera while playing with play-doh at a kitchen table

With uncertainty about how school will look in the fall, Anchorage parents turn to home school

Some parents are concerned about health, others are looking for educational certainty.
Two women in mask stand over paperwork

Alaska primary results solidify heading into end of vote counting

The races for Alaska’s legislative elections this fall continue to take shape on Thursday, after most of the remaining absentee ballots were counted. In all but a few races, it would take hundreds of ballots that hadn’t previously been announced to change results.
woven booties next to two bags

Alaska accuses souvenir store of selling fake Native art and products from ‘Yakutat alpacas’

As the state’s tourism industry rebounds after the COVID-19 pandemic emergency, state and federal officials have been cracking down on fake Alaska Native art.