Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

ak legislature

Legislature passes capital budget funding, $1,600 PFD, veto reversals

The Alaska Legislature passed two major bills on Monday. One would fund the capital budget. Gov. Mike Dunleavy said he’s glad it passed.

Can Alaska learn anything from ‘the Kansas experiment’?

As Alaskans debate Gov. Mike Dunleavy's budget cuts, a different state occasionally enters the conversation to serve as a kind of cautionary tale: Kansas.
Bright red salmon with green heads swim in shallow waters with small mountain in background.

This time, EPA decision has Pebble mine developers cheering

The EPA has thrown out a proposal launched during the Obama administration that some called a "pre-emptive" veto of the mine. It's a procedural decision that has bad implications for mine opponents.

Campaign to recall Gov. Dunleavy set to start August 1

Organizers say the governor has made multiple moves that meet the legal justifications for recall, and will begin a long campaign to hold a recall election.

UA regents move to consolidate University of Alaska system into one accredited university

The University of Alaska Board of Regents voted 8 to 3 to move towards consolidating the entire university system to a single accredited university. The board discussed several proposals for the university system well into the afternoon in Anchorage Tuesday.

Gov. Dunleavy chooses new chief of staff, Babcock moved to policy advisor

Tuckerman Babcock stepped down to become a senior policy advisor. And former Senate President Ben Stevens will be the new chief of staff.

Dunleavy administration seeks overhaul of Alaska’s cruise ship program

The Alaska Legislature has restored funding for the Ocean Rangers, but the future of the independent cruise ship monitors — as well as the state’s entire cruise ship program — is uncertain.

Point Lay sees earliest walrus haul out ever

It's the earliest walrus haul out since it began happening in 2007, according to the federal agency. The haul outs are associated with declining sea ice due to climate change. Paragraph

Across coastal Alaska, Recall Dunleavy campaign gets underway

A statewide effort got underway Thursday seeking to remove Gov. Mike Dunleavy from office. The first step for campaigners is to gather 28,501 signatures to start a recall petition.

State and ferry workers union reach tentative agreement

Negotiators for the state and the Inland Boatmen’s Union reached a tentative agreement late Thursday night, which could bring an end to Alaska’s ten-day-old ferry strike.

Rate increases coming for Pioneer Home residents

Depending on the level of care, a resident could see their monthly rate more than double.
A blue ferry with a white cabin sits at dock next to a causeway

Alaska ferries resume sailing after striking workers ratify new contract

Members won a 3% raise over three years and concessions on how much they’d contribute towards the health care plan and when.

Petersburg ferry workers speak out on budget cuts

The ferry union strike might be over but some Petersburg ferry workers are still concerned about the state cuts to the Alaska Marine Highway System and other services.

International Joint Commission launches ‘fact-finding mission’ into B.C. transboundary mining

Alaska’s U.S. Senators hosted members of an international commission charged with investigating transboundary water disputes. “This has long been a priority — it’s fair to...

Bill setting PFDs, reversing vetoes headed to Dunleavy on Wednesday, spokesperson says

If Dunleavy receives the bill on Wednesday, he would have until Aug. 30 to sign it, veto it or issue line-item vetoes.

New Izembek land swap? New lawsuit, too.

The Wilderness Society and eight other environmental groups have filed a new lawsuit to block a road in the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge. For nearby King Cove, it's the latest in a long series of legal and political hurdles, dating back decades.

Under ‘Save Our State’ banner, more than 25 organizations implore Dunleavy: No more vetoes

A coalition of more than 25 organizations gathered for a press conference Wednesday in Anchorage under the moniker, Save Our State. Their single message for Governor Mike Dunleavy: no more vetoes.

Anchorage senator Chris Birch dies of heart attack

Senate Majority Communications Director Daniel McDonald says Birch suffered a heart attack. He says Birch died Wednesday.

Russian nuclear power plant afloat in Arctic causes anxiety across Bering Strait

Russia has produced the world's first floating nuclear power plant. A barge mounted with nuclear reactors is expected to begin traversing the Arctic this month, bound for the Chukotka Peninsula. Across the Bering Strait, Alaskans are worried about radiation, though one Arctic security expert also sees room for optimism.
People waitiing in line at a counter at the PFD office

Dunleavy decision on PFD could affect timing of dividend payment

If Gov. Mike Dunleavy vetoes the $1,600 PFD the Legislature passed, Alaskans could receive dividends later than normal this year.