Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Human Rights Commission quietly fires director

The Alaska State Commission for Human Rights has confirmed firing its executive director in July, after she had been on the job for less than a month, but the commission continues to say little about it.

Capital budget vetoes to hit homelessness, addiction treatment

In Anchorage, there are worries that vetoes to addiction treatment facilities and a homeless assistance program could exacerbate a problem that's already worsening.

Dunleavy reverses potential cuts to senior benefits

Dunleavy told a room of people he was moved to change course on the Senior Benefits Program after hearing input from beneficiaries and their families.

Enviros say new rules weaken Endangered Species Act. Interior says they enhance it.

The Interior Department announced Monday that it has finalized new rules for carrying out the Endangered Species Act. Sec. David Bernhardt describes the changes as improvements. Environmental groups say the new regulations weaken the Endangered Species Act.

Alaska Natives pushing against budget cuts say the state can learn from their cultures

One village leader said the cultures and traditions of Alaska Natives have prepared them to respond to the cuts.

Dunleavy agrees to fully restore $9M in funding to Head Start, early learning programs

The restoration totals about $9 million and includes $6.8 million to Head Start and $1.2 million to early childhood grants. It's one of several veto reversals the governor has made this week.

Dunleavy halves vetoes to University of Alaska, spreads cuts over three years

The University of Alaska will see a $25 million cut in funding for this budget year, which began on July 1st. The next two years would see cuts of $25 million and $20 million for a total of $70 million.

Skiff capsizes from ferry Columbia’s wake in Wrangell Narrows

A wake from the Alaska state ferry Columbia caused a small skiff to capsize in the Wrangell Narrows near Petersburg.

Dunleavy cites public response in veto reversals

Gov. Mike Dunleavy hasn’t wavered from many of his positions since taking office. But that changed this week.

Governor axes state funding for Cold Climate Housing Research Center

It's unclear how the center can continue to operate without state funds, but its staff of 18 continue to look for ways to do their work.

Murkowski now supports a ‘complete exemption’ for Tongass from Roadless Rule

A decision by the Trump administration over exempting the Tongass National Forest from the Roadless Rule is expected soon. That’s according to Sen. Lisa Murkowski who in an interview with CoastAlaska has hardened her stance on the hot-button issue.

Dunleavy points to university budget cut agreement as a model

Nonprofit leaders have said they’re open to working with the governor. But it’s unclear how the approach will work in practice.

Homeless shelters and services to see reduced funding

With a state capital budget passed, the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation said it will dole out checks to charities that have been trying to keep Alaskans off the streets. But those checks will only go so far.

Tali Birch Kindred, daughter of deceased state Sen. Birch, takes step toward trying to fill his seat

The daughter of recently-deceased state senator Chris Birch, Tali Birch Kindred, is seeking to replace him, according to documents she filed with state regulators Friday.

Group seeking Dunleavy recall isn’t stopping at minimum as it continues to gather signatures

A Recall Dunleavy organizer says the campaign isn’t slowing down after the veto reversals.

Fires north and south of Anchorage close highways, trigger evacuations

High winds, dry conditions have caused the fires to grow rapidly.

At least 50 structures lost in McKinley fire north of Willow

A 19-mile stretch of the Parks Highway was closed some 80 miles north of Anchorage, as authorities called for the evacuation of a subdivision that only has one road in and out.

Gov. Dunleavy postpones budget signing, signals support for two more vetoed programs

Gov. Dunleavy has reversed himself and declared support for subsidized broadband internet for rural libraries and a free service allowing online tutors for students. The governor had previously vetoed the $809,200 in funding.

Watch: Dunleavy signs off on $1,600 PFD, agrees to restore funds to multiple budget items

Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy signed a bill Monday that provides permanent fund dividends of $1,600. He says he expects to call a third special session this fall, solely to pay another roughly $1,400 per Alaskan in PFDs. Watch the video address here.

Southcentral fires burn, traffic at a crawl on highways, evacuees tell of heavy smoke and flames

"That was an experience coming down that highway," she said. " Trees just ablaze. Smoke so heavy you could only follow the tail lights of the truck or car ahead of you."