To help Alaskans sort through the candidates running for the state’s sole U.S. House seat, we’re asking each candidate where they stand on the issues.
Here’s how the U.S. House candidates responded, in their own words, to the following question:
Did Joe Biden win the 2020 presidential election fair and square? (Please answer in no more than 25 words.)
Sarah Palin (R): “No. We need more information from various investigations of the voting processes used in that election.”
Nick Begich III (R): “Unfortunately, Biden is the President. It’s clear that we have a crisis of confidence in our election system and there needs to be more transparency.”
Mary Peltola (D): “There is no question that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election fair and square.”
Tara Sweeney (R): “Yes. But I also believe President Trump was within his right to demand an investigation into voting irregularities to determine whether voters’ rights were protected.”
Jay Armstrong (R): “I watched the voting stop, and when it came back on compromised basement dweller was mathematically impossibly ahead. VP Pence didn’t object so we’re screwed.”
Gregg Brelsford (undeclared): “Yes – no credible contrary evidence and volumes confirming it, including 60 court cases. World isn’t flat no matter how loudly/often you proclaim it.”
John Richard Meyers (Libertarian): “Election integrity is foundational to our Republic. I have seen many election irregularities over the years. 2020 leaves many questions unanswered. We must do better!”
Lady Donna Dutchess (nonpartisan): “Yes. To suggest otherwise is to invite an American civil war.”
Ted Heintz (nonpartisan): “He might’ve won legally. It wasn’t “fair/square”. Interference/manipulation like media censorship of Biden’s corruption, the laptop coverup, racism, sexual harassment & assault etc. interfered severely!”
These candidates will be on the regular primary ballot but Alaska Public Media has not yet received a response to our emails: Chris Bye, Heed Hughes, Robert Lyons, Robert Ornelas, Silvio Pellegrini, A.H. Phelps, Randy Purham, Sherry Strizak and Denise Williams.
Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her Read more about Lizhere.