Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

The state’s new budget director is a well-known fiscal hawk

Donna Arduin has worked on cutting spending for governors in six other states. She’s expected to propose deep cuts to address the $1.6 billion hole in the state’s budget.

Online ‘trolls’ spark support for Juneau’s furloughed federal workers

Despite assumptions from the outside, the longest government shutdown in U.S. history isn’t a vacation. Many federal workers are having a hard time paying bills.

Shutdown puts strain on some Alaska Native tribes and tribal organizations

Some Alaska Native tribes and tribal organizations are dipping into reserves in order to pay for services that the federal government usually covers.

Dunleavy appointee resigns after being accused of lying about his credentials

After less than two months on the job, Department of Revenue Commissioner John Quick has resigned.

Alaska’s US senators veer apart on shutdown votes

Two competing bills to end the partial government shutdown both fizzled. Alaska's senators took different tacks.
plants grow in an indoor warehouse

Cannabis advocates wary of Dunleavy’s Marijuana Control Board appointments

Alaska’s marijuana industry and its advocates are concerned about Governor Mike Dunleavy’s appointment of two people to the Marijuana Control Board that the advocates say could slow or halt the industry’s growth and hamper the state’s ability to regulate it.
pilings along a body water, two container cranes and a cargo ship

Port project cost estimate doubles to nearly $2B

According to the latest estimate, overdue repairs will be twice as expensive as originally forecasted, leaving city officials are dismayed.

Critics say shutdown will doom Arctic projects in court

The Trump administration continued work on some Alaska oil development projects, despite the partial shutdown. Critics say that could invalidate the government's ultimate decisions to approve them.

After struggling for years to clean up its air, Fairbanks still faces contentious wood smoke problem

For years, Fairbanks and neighboring city North Pole have had some of the worst air quality in the United States. The area has been failing to meet a federal air quality standard since 2009 — now it's reached the deadline.

ERA now, Murkowski says

Sen. Murkowski is pushing for the Equal Rights Amendment. Yes, she knows that sounds like 1972 is calling and asking for its protest sign back.

Defense Dept. says climate change is a threat to bases around the country

The report looks at 79 major military installations around the country, assessing both the current and future risks of flooding, drought, wildfires, desertification, and thawing permafrost.
people talk to staffers in windows at the PFD office

Budget cuts loom as governor, lawmakers eye full PFDs

Gov. Mike Dunleavy has said Alaskans should receive permanent fund dividends of roughly $3,000 this year. But it won’t be easy for state lawmakers to agree on the dividend’s size.

Updated budget requests would fund earthquake relief, cut school funds

One request includes cutting $20 million for public schools that lawmakers agreed to as part of the budget deal last spring.

‘Uber for icebreakers’ idea gains traction

Money for a new polar icebreaker is caught up in the fight over whether to build a wall at the southern border. But there’s more than one way to break ice.

Schools push back on proposed midyear budget cut

While school districts may have already spent money they counted on the state sending them later, the state’s new budget director says they shouldn’t have.

Study finds poor air quality aboard cruise ships

A covert study undertaken by a public health researcher found air quality on cruise ships to be on par with the world’s dirtiest cities.

Death of Coast Guard member sparks investigation in Unalaska

In Unalaska, the U.S. Coast Guard is investigating the death of a crew member of the Cutter Douglas Munro.

Search continues for missing medevac plane near Kake

The U.S. Coast Guard and others are searching for a medevac aircraft that went missing Tuesday night on a flight from Anchorage to Kake.

Pebble boosts spending to lobby feds

Washington, D.C. firms report Pebble paid them $1.2 million to lobby Congress and the executive branch in 2018.

Dunleavy proposes constitutional amendments to enshrine PFDs, require public support for taxes, cap spending

The proposed amendments may face a difficult reception in the Alaska Legislature. One Republican senator described Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s proposals as “a horrible idea.”