Zoe Grueskin, KTOO - Juneau

Zoe Grueskin, KTOO - Juneau

As the Juneau School District responds to online monitoring concerns, student questions remain

In response to concerns about monitoring service Bark for Schools, the Juneau School District is providing options to families.

Juneau immersion classroom aims to teach new generation of Lingít speakers

Haa Yóo X̱ʼatángi Kúdi opened briefly this spring and again this September, with 14 students enrolled in the program and more on the waitlist.

Juneau cemetery caretaker calls on community to clean, protect Alaska Native graves

Many Alaska Native gravesites in Juneau are overgrown and all but forgotten. Tlingit storyteller and cemetery caretaker Bob Sam hopes to change that.

International Lingít Spelling Bee brings together Alaska Native language learners in Juneau

The spelling bee took place during the Sharing Our Knowledge Conference held in Juneau last month.

Alaska receives $20M federal grant to support reading skills

The state plans to use the funds to create and implement a literacy program that will include reading coaches for students and specialized training for teachers.

2 in 5 Alaska students are proficient in English language arts, fewer in math

This is the third year the state has used this test, and the scores aren't much changed.

Savoonga artists bring blanket toss to Juneau

Arlene and John Waghiyi, Jr., Alaska Native artists from St. Lawrence Island, spent a week in Juneau sharing their work as artists-in-residence at the Sealaska Heritage Institute.

‘Molly of Denali’ creators help Juneau kids find their own voices

“Molly of Denali” is the first national children’s TV show to feature an Alaska Native lead. Some of the show’s creators came to Juneau and put on a vocal acting workshop to help local kids find their own voices.

State funding for early education restored, but services this year could still be affected

“Plans have been put in place that it’s hard to walk back from, because this was such a disruption,” said Tlingit and Haida Head Start director Amber Frommherz.

Honored nationally, a Juneau scientist helps Alaska fisheries managers see the bigger picture

Elizabeth Siddon is the only Alaskan this year to receive the highest honor from the U.S. government for early career scientists. Her work helps Alaska’s fisheries managers see the bigger picture.

Amid UA budget woes, some students are noticing increased military recruitment

An Alaska Army recruiter says their outreach hasn’t changed. But some University of Alaska students say more military recruiters have reached out amid the university’s budget cuts.
The city of Hoonah on May 2, 2019 (Photo by David Purdy, KTOO - Juneau)

Can trauma be passed down through DNA? Researchers and Hoonah residents search for answers.

It’s well known that traumatic experiences can have lifelong impacts on health and well-being. But it’s possible that those effects can last longer than a single lifetime. A new study asks whether the effects of trauma have been passed down genetically in Tlingit families in Hoonah.

Online education ad targeting University of Alaska students draws criticism

The ad appeared on Facebook last week, encouraging University of Alaska students worried about UA’s future to complete their degrees online — from a New York university.
A group of students at an entrance to a school building

Financial exigency likely means UAS layoffs and program reductions — but not before fall classes begin

The UAS chancellor says programs with larger enrollments are more likely to be retained. But he adds that some smaller programs, like Alaska Native languages, are critical to the mission of UAS.

Governor’s veto could close Head Start classrooms in Southeast Alaska

Tlingit & Haida’s Head Start pre-K program serves 10 communities in Southeast Alaska. Without state funding, they may have to reduce staff, cut spots or close classrooms altogether.
A sign reads "Welcome to UAS" at the University of Alaska Southeast’s Juneau campus.

UAS accreditation renewed despite budget concerns

The announcement comes despite concerns expressed by the accreditation commission’s president, who has warned that cuts to the University of Alaska’s budget could jeopardize accreditation in the future.

Artists call on Legislature to fund state arts council

If the Legislature does not override the governor’s veto, the Alaska State Council on the Arts will lose funding on Monday, making Alaska the only state in the U.S. without an arts council.

Tie-dye, rainbows and love songs: Juneau’s first youth LGBTQ Pride party

Pride week in Juneau featured something new this year: a party just for LGBTQ middle school and high school students.

$20M state grant released to Alaska schools, but future funding remains unclear

School districts across Alaska are looking forward to a bump in their bank accounts from a $20M grant appropriated last year. But the overall outlook for state education spending is far from clear.

Using local foods, a Juneau middle school teacher demystifies cooking for kids

For kids who’ve never cooked, smoking their own salmon might seem out of reach. But a Juneau teacher believes it’s just another life skill his students can master — and he shows them how to do it.