Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Fairbanks Police say Monday morning shooter was prepared for armed confrontation

Fairbanks Police have released details about an officer involved shooting in the city Monday. Police identified the man killed in a shootout with 4 FPD officers, as 21-year-old Mathew Colton Stover of Northway. Listen now

Supreme Court of Alaska hears arguments over legality of Walker’s PFD veto

The fate of hundreds of millions in Permanent Fund dividend money now rests with the five Alaska Supreme court judges. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: Summer solstice

Alaskans will celebrate the summer solstice at 8:24 tonight. The solstice is the point when the sun’s rays reach their highest latitude of the year. And also the moment when the days start getting shorter. Listen now

Sharp comments reflect ill will as Legislature starts 2nd special session

House majority’s handling of budget debate was compared to Pearl Harbor attack, tyranny and Jim Crow laws. Listen now

Interior Secretary reassigns top climate policy adviser

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is reshuffling several senior government positions, and it could affect Arctic policies in Alaska. Listen now

New equipment helps scientists keep tabs on Bogoslof now and study it later

There aren't many volcanoes like Bogoslof. But with an improved monitoring network, scientists are relishing every last eruption. Listen now

Smithsonian representatives wrap up information meetings for Native veterans memorial

In 2013, Congress authorized the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian to establish a national veterans memorial for Natives. The Alaska community consultations of that national effort wrapped last week. Listen now

Alaska looks to reform its solitary confinement practices

The Department of Corrections and the ACLU are working together to reform the department’s solitary confinement practices. They brought in a team of experts from New York University to tour facilities and their segregation units this week and develop suggestions that will improve conditions for both inmates and staff. Listen now

Walker narrows Legislature’s focus to the budget

A breakdown in negotiations between House and Senate legislators Thursday resulted in lawmakers not passing a state operating budget in the first special session that ended Friday. So Gov. Bill Walker immediately called for a second special session, but is limiting the agenda to only the operating budget. Listen now

Learning about life in a refugee camp

Each of the world’s 21 million refugees has a unique story, but sometimes it’s hard to see past the numbers. To help people understand what fleeing your home might be like, Catholic Social Services in Anchorage set up a simulation where people role played what it would be like to arrive at a refugee camp. Listen now

As swing vote on ACA repeal, Murkowski draws attention

Sen. Lisa Murkowski is the target of a new TV ad urging her to vote against Republican efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Listen now
two fishermen

AK: World’s only urban king fishery has lines casting in downtown Anchorage

Anchorage's annual Slam'n Salm'n Derby is in full swing this week. Since last Friday, fishermen at Ship Creek have been competing to see who can hook the biggest king salmon. Listen now

Governor calls lawmakers for 2nd special session after House budget gambit fails

Alaska Gov. Bill Walker has called the Alaska Legislature back for a second special session to begin at 1 p.m. today, after lawmakers failed to pass an operating budget.

House pushes budget through and quits, leaving Senate few options and Republicans seething

The Alaska House passed a new budget Thursday night. It combined the operating and capital budgets.

Federal officials make formal apology for WWII internment of Unangan people

On Wednesday, Federal officials apologized for their role in the World War II internment of the Unangan people. Listen now

Uber, Lyft cleared to launch in Alaska

Governor Bill Walker signed House Bill 132 into law this afternoon, opening up business in Alaska for Transportation Network Companies, including popular services like Uber and Lyft. Listen now

Southeast tribal organization says it will support the Paris Climate Accord

"We’re responsible for these lands," Central Council President Richard Peterson said. Listen now

Dispute looms over Anchorage parking meter policy

The battle centers on a new plan to start charging at parking meters during weekends, and whether the changes will drive business in or out of the area.

Homer’s recall remains in limbo until vote certification

The votes are all in for Homer’s recall election of three liberal city council members. But the results are not yet clear. The politically divided town will remain in limbo until absentee votes are counted Friday.

State House votes to restore full dividend check

The Alaska House voted to restore Permanent Fund dividends to the full projected amount of roughly $2,200 dollars this fall.