Top Stories

News stories, radio and TV episodes that warrant one of six spots on our homepage. The homepage is in chronological order of publication date, so stories are moved off the homepage as more are categorized “top stories.”

Health care bill has ‘caribou kickback’ for Alaska

A new health care bill in the U.S. Senate has a special Alaska carve-out, worth more than $100 million a year, to attract Alaska's senators. But one critic says it's less than it appears. Listen now

Fast times and fat wallets – how Alaska got its pipeline

The trans-Alaska pipeline was the largest privately-funded construction project in the world, built across the biggest U.S. state and faced with unprecedented natural obstacles. It came with an $8 billion price tag, but true costs and benefits of the pipeline are still being calculated.

Facing global gas glut, ConocoPhillips to mothball Kenai LNG plant

ConocoPhillips hasn't found a buyer for its liquefied natural gas plant on the Kenai Peninsula. Now, a company spokesperson said it’s going to save expenses by mothballing the facility this fall. Listen now

Senators seethe at IHS blunders

Sen. Murkowski says the IHS is already failing Native communities in the Lower 48, and she wasn't the only outraged senator demanding answers at from the head of the agency. Listen now

Far apart politically and geographically, lawmakers talk oil and gas taxes

The first substantial day of legislative meetings in 20 days occurred Wednesday, but the two majorities in the Legislature were far apart — and not just politically. Listen now

Feds agree to shore up Alaska’s insurance market

The U.S. Health & Human Services Department has agreed to send federal money to the State of Alaska for reinsurance, which lowers costs for people who buy their own health insurance. Some see it as a model to prevent market "death spirals." Listen now

EPA takes step toward ending ‘pre-emptive veto’ of Pebble Mine

The EPA has announced its intention to reverse course on an action that would have thwarted the proposed Pebble mine in the Bristol Bay watershed. Listen now

Ask a Climatologist: Remembering the record breaking July snow

Back in 1970 on July 19, it snowed 9.7 inches at the Summit weather station just south of Cantwell on the Parks Highway. Listen now

Kodiak Pacific Spaceport Complex participates in missile defense test

Kodiak Island’s rocket launch facility was one of the players in a missile defense test this week. Listen now

After months of fighting, House offers Senate a compromise on oil, gas tax credits

After five months of back and forth, the legislature may be close to compromising on changes to the state’s oil and gas tax credit system. Listen now

Frauds, scams, and schemes cost Alaskans millions last year

Federal Trade Commission data show that last year, 3,031 complaints were filed in Alaska, about a third of them in Anchorage. The information was shared as part of a national push to show how minority and immigrant communities are targeted. Listen now

Murkowski speaks with constituents about health care during Senate recess

Senator Lisa Murkowski was one of just four of the Senate's 52 Republicans to make a public appearance over the fourth of July. She spoke with constituents about healthcare. Listen now

From Anchorage, Walker tells lawmakers to get back to Juneau

Lawmakers have been meeting in Juneau for nearly half a year, but Gov. Bill Walker told reporters on Monday in Anchorage that he doesn’t think they’re done yet. Listen now

New Anchorage power plant improves efficiency and reliability while increasing rates

Last year, Municipal Light & Power completed a $300 million overhaul of their power plant in East Anchorage. The expansion aims to increase efficiency, reliability and environmental quality by replacing old technology. Listen now

Fairbanks health care rally draws diverse crowd

Alaskans concerned about the effects of a US Senate health care bill have been contacting Alaska Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan, and staging events at their local offices. One such Fairbanks rally took place outside Senator Murkowski’s Fairbanks office on Thursday evening. Listen now

Black bear that attacked workers near Pogo Mine was behaving like a predator

Experts with the state Department of Fish and Game say the black bear that attacked two workers last month near the Pogo Mine was hungry and showing predator-like behavior. Listen now

AK: ANSEP students get an inside look on the world of sharks

Last week, more than 50 students from the Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program participated in a Career Exploration program, delving into the realm of marine science. The week-long program was designed to introduce the students to marine biology. Listen now

Alaska Legislature has nothing to show for two weeks after budget

The Legislature’s special session hasn’t ended, two weeks since most state lawmakers left Juneau after passing the operating budget. Listen now

What enviros won by losing the pipeline battle

With the pipeline turning 40, a look back at how Big Green fought Big Oil, how that fight transformed the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, and why Congress ever agreed to it.

Fatal December plane crash ruled a suicide

Last December, Mark and Cecilia Matter lost their lives when their red plane crashed into Marvel Dome, a snow-covered mountain near the family’s mine. Authorities now consider the Aniak couple’s death to be a suicide. Listen now