Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, Sept. 2, 2015

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Obama shares smiles, salmon and dance moves in Dillingham

Hannah Colton, KDLG – Dillingham

President Obama began his tour of Western Alaska with a stop in Bristol Bay, landing in Dillingham just before noon. While Obama had sparkling clear weather for his tour around Seward yesterday, it was drizzly and a little chilly for the duration of the Dillingham stop.

In Kotzebue, excitement is high as the president ventures north

Lori Townsend, APRN – Anchorage

President Obama landed in Kotzebue just after 5 p.m. He is the first sitting president to visit the U.S. Arctic.

5 Chinese warships spotted off the Aleutians

John Ryan, KUCB – Unalaska

As President Obama tours northwest Alaska, five Chinese navy ships have been spotted in the Bering Sea off southwest Alaska.

Shell drill rig is back on the grind after a brief storm-induced hiatus

Associated Press

The president of Shell Oil Co. says exploratory drilling off Alaska’s northwest coast is going well despite stormy weather last week that caused the company to halt operations for a few days.

Even with another icebreaker, US fleet pales against its Arctic neighbors

John Ryan, KUCB – Unalaska

President Obama wants to beef up America’s fleet of ice-breaking ships.

President gives a small fiscal boost to village relocation efforts

Zachariah Hughes, KSKA – Anchorage

The White House announced today it will be adding funding and capacity for a wide array of programs in Alaska connected with global warming. The federal government is tapping the Denali Commission as the lead agency to address the relocation of coastal communities across Alaska.

Praying to see POTUS, even just a glimpse!

Anne Hillman, KSKA – Anchorage

Anchorage residents had their last chance to see President Obama this morning as his motorcade left the Captain Cook Hotel and headed toward JBER. His presence in downtown caused mixed reactions.

With a potential buyer in the Philippines, Mat-Su floats a ferry deal

Ellen Lockyer, KSKA – Mat-Su

The Matanuska Susitna Borough’s  ailing ferry MV Susitna is poised for sale to the Philippine Red Cross.

Dust settles on state’s new Douglas offices, but employee concerns haven’t gone quiet

Elizabeth Jenkins, KTOO – Juneau

After a class action grievance, a regime change, a year of renovations and buying hundreds of $8,000 workstations, state employees are finally moving into their new offices in Douglas. Although the dust has settled, concerns over the new layout have not gone quiet.

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