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Fish Camp

We talk a lot on the show about outdoor recreation, and on the whole those topics are about things we do just because we want to, or for fitness, or because they add to our lives. But Alaska’s outdoors is also for food, and the way of life that goes with harvesting food. Our topic on the next Outdoor Explorer is is fish camp. Native Alaskans all over the state go to riverside fish camps for the summer to harvest salmon, and as part of an ancient way of life. And a lot of commercial fishermen have fish camps at setnet sites, where they catch the fish going by, they make a little bit of money and to live and sustain themselves in wild places. We’ll be talking about subsistence and commercial fish camp, and exploring both how this lifestyle works, and what it means.

HOST:  Charles Wohlforth


  • Mike Williams Sr., Akiak subsistence fisherman, musher and cultural leader
  • Nancy Lord,former setnet fisherman and author of Fishcamp
  • James Davis, attorney for prosecuted subsistence fishermen

PARTICIPATE:  Facebook: Outdoor Explorer (comments may be read on-air)

BROADCAST: Thursday August 8, 2013. 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm AKT

REPEAT BROADCAST:  Thursday August 8, 2013. 9:00 – 10:00 pm AKT

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