The War, a seven-part documentary series directed and produced by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick, explores the history and horror of the Second World War from an American perspective by following the fortunes of so-called ordinary men and women who become caught up in one of the greatest cataclysms in human history.
Watch the events of War World II from January 1943-December 1943 as four veterans recount their own stories. Troops take on German forces, many times outnumbering them, in North Africa, in Europe, and through rough terrain and bad weather, while the country gears up industry and war machine manufacturing at home.
At the end of America’s first year of war, more than 35,000 Americans in uniform have died. Before the war can end, 10 times that many will lose their lives.
- TV: When Things Get Tough –Â Wednesday, 8/01 at 8 pm
- TV: A Deadly Calling – Thursday, 8/02 at 8 pm
- TV: Pride of our Nation –Â Sunday, 8/05 at 8 pm
- TV: FUBAR –Â Monday, 8/06 at 8 pm
- TV: The Ghost Front –Â Tuesday, 8/07 at 8 pm
- TV: A World Without War –Â Wednesday, 8/08 at 8 pm