Tuesday, February 15 at 2pm and 7pm DADS THESE DAYS
It's all dads, all hour this week on Kids These Days! when we're joined by three local fathers who say being a dad these days is all about determining what is best for your family and making it work - whether that's staying home to watch kids or enduring long business trips away from home. The three dads discuss what it means to be a good father, how masculinity and fatherhood go hand in hand and how things have changed since they were boys. Also on - teen boys weigh in on manhood; another local father grapples with the "stay-at-home-dad" label; and the founder of The Good Men Project on kickstarting the conversation. Tune in to KSKA-FM Tuesday, February 15 at 2pm or 7pm to listen. As always, you can hear the full show, see pictures and listen to additional clips at KidsTheseDays.org where you can also leave your comments about this program. Download Audio(MP3)