Line One: Adolescent Depression and Suicide

Dr. Woodard and his guest, Dr. Phil Neuberger will be discussing adolescent depression and suicide. Dr. Neuberger is board certified by the American Board...

Preview: Talk of Alaska – Tue, Sep 18

Coming up Tuesday, September 18 at 10:00 a.m. on Talk of Alaska... Alaska's many mystery writers must be doing something right, because a whole lot...

AK: Rising

Last week we fell, this week we're on the rise. We meet a man who's risen from poverty in Latin America to park service...

Alaska News Nightly: September 14, 2007

The Kott legislative corruption trial rolls on as a juror is ejected for alleged prosecution bias. Meanwhile Kivalina residents return home after a...

Weekend Update – KSKA Sound

KSKA has a planned outage on Saturday for a couple of hours to replace old equipment with new digital and analog systems. The engineering...

Stage Talk: Nunsense and The Compleat Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)

This week host Mark Muro speaks to John and Robyn Harris who direct and star in Nunsense, a musical comedy, which opened at the...

Alaska News Nightly: September 13, 2007

An Alaska broadcasting pioneer -- Augie Hebert -- died today in Anchorage and we remember his remarkable radio and TV career that started long...

Sound On KSKA

KSKA is stronger today than yesterday, but you have told us that there are still areas with "muddy" or no sound at all. ...

Alaska News Nightly: September 12, 2007

Former VECO chairman Bill Allen takes the stand in Anchorage as the Pete Kott corruption trial rolls on. Meanwhile, we explore Shell Oil's pull-back...

KSKA's HD installation continues

KSKA continues to operate at low power (for safety reasons) with occasional bursts of static this week as we continue HD and analog transmitter...

Alaska News Nightly: September 11, 2007

A universal health care proposal is headed to the Alaska Legislature in early 2008 -- and the Cato Institute approves. Meanwhile the U.S....

KSKA at Low Power

Installation of KSKA's transmitter equipment for analog and HD Radio continues at Goose Bay this week affecting KSKA's signal. FM 91.1 will be at...

Talk of Alaska: 9/11 in Alaska, Six Years Later

Like the rest of the nation, Alaska felt the shock of the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Air traffic halted. A recreational pilot in...

Alaska News Nightly: September 10, 2007

Opening statements and some wiretaps were heard in Anchorage today in the Pete Kott corruption trial. Plus we explore news of coal, herring, immigrant...

Line One: Health Care in the U.S.

Dr. Woodard and his guest, Dr. David Kerns, will be discussing the state of health care in the United States. Dr. Kerns is Adjunct...

Preview: Talk of Alaska — Tue, Sep 11

Coming up Tuesday, September 11 at 10:00 a.m. on Talk of Alaska... Like the rest of the nation, Alaska felt the shock of the...

AK: Falling

From poets falling in love to politicians falling from grace. The number of state recreation area users is falling -- we'll find out why...

Alaska News Nightly: September 7, 2007

Scientists say Alaska's polar bear population will be wiped out within 50 years due to global warming effects. Plus the Kott corruption trial jury...

Stage Talk: Deathtrap

This week host Mark Muro chats with lead actor Jeff McCamish and director Krista Schwarting about Deathtrap, a live-action stage thriller opening at Cyrano's...

Alaska News Nightly: September 6, 2007

Anchorage's federal court sifts through jury candidates in advance of the Pete Kott trial. Plus, a new study confirms dramatic predictions of polar sea...