Kids These Days! – Jan 4

Tuesday, January 4 at 2pm and 7pm BIRTH IN-STUDIO GUESTS: Happy New Year! As we embark upon another year and celebrate all the possibilites that each...

AK: Weaving

It has long been forbidden for men to weave in the Chilkat tradition, but Tlingit artist Ricky Tagaban is an exception. Using techniques practiced for thousands of years, Tagaban creates his trademark iPhone bags, hair clips, and head bands, putting a modern spin on an ancient tradition. Download Audio

Hometown, Alaska: Nonprofits in Alaska

Nonprofit entities all over the country are beginning to feel the pressure of hard economic times as individual donors and corporate sponsors cut back....
man speaking in legislative chamber

Alaska News Nightly: Monday, March 25, 2024

The State Senate passes a bill to increase internet speeds at rural schools. Plus, a cyberattack leaves one healthcare provider struggling.

AK: Wildlife

Despite all the snow piled up around the state, spring is just around the corner. To prove it, Shaguyik and Taqouka, two Kodiak grizzly cubs, crept out of their log dens at Portage’s Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center this week to enjoy some welcome sunshine. The two little bears, both orphans, have been on view at the Center, as have many other rescued animals, much to the delight of area schoolchildren.

Fall Membership Drive 2010

You listen to KSKA in your car, in the shower, in the kitchen, at your office, on your ipod, outdoors, indoors and some of...

49 Voices: James Hart of Haines

This week we're hearing from James Hart in Haines. Hart is a young tribal council member of the Chilkoot Indian Association, and a delegate on the Tlingit and Haida Central Council. He received an "emerging leader" award from the Council last month. Listen now
A sign that reads "Anchorage Police Department." There is an office building behind it.

Police accountability and community trust | Talk of Alaska

Law enforcement officials, attorneys, and community advocates answer questions about use of force and how cases are investigated on this Talk of Alaska.
algo nuevo

Algo Nuevo November 3rd, 2019

Here’s the Sunday, November 3rd, 2019 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera —Something New with Dave Luera.

The Governor and gridlock

Governor Walker’s plans for overhauling the system of funding state government has met with resistance from lawmakers and the public. Lawmakers are unhappy with his vetoes and cuts to the PFD but they haven’t mustered an override and they haven’t passed a fiscal plan. What can possibly break the divide between the Governor’s plans and the desires of lawmakers and the public? Listen Now

Alaska News Nightly: April 1, 2013

Troopers ID Victims In Weekend Helicopter Crash; EPA To Release Revised Pebble Mine Watershed Assessment; State Senate Passes Crime Bill; Federal Spending Cuts Curb Alaska Volcano Monitoring; Alaska Volcano Observatory Celebrates 25th Anniversary; Jack-Up Rig ‘Endeavor’ Departs Homer Harbor; Alaska Cultural Connections: Misconceptions Download Audio

Soul To Soul: April 2, 2011

Here’s the music playlist from the April 2, 2011 edition of Soul to Soul with Marvel and Sherry Johnson. All tracks ...
A boy in a mask gets a shot.

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday, November 4, 2021

Seven hunters have been stranded at a fish camp for a week after the Yukon iced over. Also, Alaska parents rush to get their younger kids vaccinated against COVID-19. And as the pandemic drags on, childcare centers are struggling to find workers.

Night Music: January 25th, 2020

Here is the Night Music Playlist for January, 25th 2020 with Kirk Waldhaus.

Alaska News Nightly: Thursday Sep. 14, 2017

How Kodiak got to almost 100 percent renewable power; Strategic Pathways on the docket of UA Board of Regents meeting; UA president calls for action on DACA ahead of regents meeting in Juneau; Fire marshal: Butte fire that claimed the lives of five girls was "cooking related"; HUD sends money to Alaska communities, including 'Middle Spenard'; Two new contracts could ship Sitka water to potential buyers soon; Freeride ski and snowboard competition not returning to Haines in 2018; Crew abandons F/V Akutan in Unalaska’s Captains Bay; GCI looks into bringing fiber to Unalaska; Kodiak College nursing program adapts to hospital policy change Listen now

AI and Alaskan businesses | Talk of Alaska

How can computer learning technology help streamline work and create efficiencies for small businesses and what are the red flags?

The future of Yukon River salmon | Alaska Insight

The Yukon River has been a majestic icon of power, beauty, and for generations, a sustainable source of food. Salmon reliably returned to the Yukon to provide a stable source of healthy, wild food for communities along its length. But in recent years, those reliable runs have been beleaguered by warming waters, food scarcity and disease, causing closures that have halted long standing traditions for many families. On this episode of Alaska Insight, host Lori Townsend is joined by Gabe Canfield, policy coordinator for the Yukon River Drainage Fisheries Association, and Holly Carroll, in-season manager for the Yukon River for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, to discuss the outlook for the years to come, and the steps that can be taken to protect this vital resource.

Algo Nuevo Hour: October 2, 2009

Here’s the music playlist from the Friday October 2, 2009 edition of Algo Nuevo Hour. If you have questions, comments or music requests for host Dave Luera,...

Soul to Soul: June 6, 2009

Here’s the music playlist from the June 6, 2009 edition of Soul to Soul with Marvel and Sherry Johnson. All tracks played are...

Travel Expenses; Knik Arm Crossing; and the East Coast Earthquake

This week, some of the topics include: lawmakers’ travel expenses; legislative conference in Hawaii; Murkowski warns of reduction in federal spending; the Knik Arm crossing; Wasilla Councilman Steve Menard; Exxon’s dispute over Point Thompson; Anchorage cap driver arrested for rape; the East Coast Earthquake; and a possible Palin Presidential run.